The undeniable fact is that at the beginning of the relationship, both men and women tend to embellish reality fib. But, admittedly, women still surpassed males in this art. The verdict - guilty! Just wondering - are women more than men are false or are more honest? It's a whole psychology. In fact, the man should include a specific filter, when a girl begins to speak another sweet fudge, and it will help him sort out why it does it, and whether to sound the alarm.
You can appreciate some fad that some girls tend to give out for the truth, even if in fact it is not.
"I've had before ..."
Yes, women are lying about the number of his former lovers. Not all of course, but very, very many. And lying in the direction of increasing the number and reduce it. For example, if you tell them that you have in your whole life it was just two big novel, it is unlikely to tell you about her experiences - most likely, it will deduct a few men from the long list. Conversely, your recognition in a rather eventful life could embarrass her in case she can not boast, because you can find her inexperience.
What to do?
We all know that women are very important to feel confident about, and solve the problem, you can trust in a frank conversation which does not involve any ridicule or surprise at the number.
"I support ..."
Some couples have joint interests to help them strengthen relationships, and one of the connecting links can be a sports team, for which both the (allegedly) sick. It may not necessarily be a sport, but also hobbies, favorite movies, music genres, which make a sort of a pair of lovebirds. This does not mean that she has an aversion to the final match of the World Cup, but most likely, there is something not quite sincere.
What to do?
In fact, in a slight exaggeration there is nothing particularly wrong, but here it is necessary to keep a cool head and not to rush headlong into a new relationship just because you felt that you have much in common - it's not always the case. It would be at the very pre-ask the girl about her hobbies, then you will understand better what she really likes it a lot, and you have in common.
"Your friends are so cool! "
It happened in life that girls can not fall in love with all my heart all your friends, especially at the beginning of the novel. Do you like the girl's much gossip and all these things, and the typical female conversations, hidden from the eyes of men and ears? Hardly. The same thing is happening on the other side. Surely some of your friends terribly tedious and boring and you yourself from them in delight. But she so wants to be a part of your life, that she even agreed to share with you all the hardships of your friendship. And all this to please you.
What to do?
We have to admit that this item has more positive side than the negative. However, do not forget about a hard look on his friends and a new love interest, which actually might not be such a good location to your environment.
"Oh, this old stuff I just dressed up! "
In the first phase relationship is very important sexual attractiveness, and women do their best to please men to look perfect. But most importantly - he must not ignore, so all compliments
As for the exterior, clothes can be taken with a note that seems to be nothing special and it is not made to look so stunning.
What to do?
It's nothing to do - to enjoy this period, because later, when the bird (ie you) will be in the cell previously flawless appearance can not be such because the attention paid to her would be much less.
"I have never done ..."
When it comes to the game of golf, which you brought it, it is quite possible that this is true. If you are already lying in bed or just go there, it is probably not true.
What to do?
Think about the good. If she does it with you - no matter what it was up to you - just enjoy, and about what not to think.
Angel in disguise
Despite the fact that lying is not good, you can sometimes pass over a slight exaggeration girl, because she does it for one reason only - it wants to be so close to you that is ready for a little white lie. All you need in this situation - is to define the line, which is dangerous to pass. Agree that if your passion says that crazy about all England football team and knows them by name - this one. If we are talking about hiding some important details of her past life, maybe not quite beautiful, or even illegal - is another.
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