• Plantar warts - the pain with every step
  • How are
  • Symptoms and appearance
  • Solkoderm

 plantar warts
 Warts on any part of the body gives a lot of inconvenience, but the warts on the soles is particularly unpleasant because walking takes place pressure on the soles, and there are painful sensations. The pain from friction and pressure on the plantar wart can quickly become unbearable, making treatment necessary.

 Plantar warts - the pain with every step

Causes of plantar warts

Plantar warts are caused by human papillomavirus (HPV). This is the same virus that causes warts on other body parts. Plantar warts often occur in the foot reference points (ie points, accounting for pressure), such as the heels or balls of the toes. As a result, the pressure plantar warts can grow inside, forming a callus.

In most cases, plantar warts are not harmful to health and usually do not require special treatment.

However, plantar warts can be uncomfortable or cause pain when walking. If home remedies are not effective treatment of plantar warts, you should see a doctor to remove them. Unfortunately, almost impossible to determine when and how the virus infection occurred.

Human papillomavirus everywhere. The main mode of transmission - from person to person, but you can become infected with HPV in contact with the surfaces on which there is a virus. Especially it is contributing to the spread of the virus warm, moist environment inside the shoe on the floor or the public swimming pool, gym or shared shower room.

In contact with an infected surface of the virus gets on your skin, and tiny scratches and cuts on fingers or soles of the feet is sufficient, so that the virus entered the body. The incubation period of the virus is from a few weeks to several months. After this period, the body can appear on one or a few warts.

Fortunately, with age, the probability of occurrence of new wart decreased, due to the strengthening the immune response to the virus.

 Plantar warts - the pain with every step

Risk factors

Plantar warts can occur in any person, regardless of gender and age, but at risk include the following categories:

  • Children and adolescents;
  • People with weakened immune systems.

For unknown reasons, some physicians are more susceptible to papilloma virus than others.

 Plantar warts - the pain with every step

Symptoms of plantar warts

Obviously, warts - is not the only type of build-up that can occur on the sole or toes. How to distinguish a wart from other formations on the skin?

The main symptom of plantar warts - localized areas of pain and hypersensitivity. If you experience pain or discomfort when pressure on the sides of the build-up (and not directly at a pressure build-up on itself), it probably is a wart.

Another characteristic feature - the appearance of Education. Plantar warts are flat and roughened, usually with sharp edges. These solid or brown with a small black hearth in the middle (the blood vessels).

 Plantar warts - the pain with every step

Treatment for plantar warts

Plantar warts often do not require specific treatment. In most cases warts tested by themselves without any treatment for several years. However, if they cause pain or spread across the sole, should consult a doctor. It is much easier to treat several small warts than large groups of warts.

Plantar warts can be hard to resist treatment. Therefore, most treatments require patience, perseverance and repetitive.

Diabetics Diabetes  Diabetes
 People with nerve damage in the legs or immunosuppressed should be treated under medical supervision. Generally, treatment is initiated with the least painful methods without side effects and does not leave scars. Scars on the soles of feet can be painful, and usually irreversible.

For the treatment of plantar warts, the following methods:

  • Freezing (cryotherapy). Warts treated with liquid nitrogen or other substance having freezing effect. Under the influence of the chemical around the wart forms a blister and peel off dead skin tissue within a week. Freezing procedure can be painful and blistering after cryotherapy Cryotherapy  Cryotherapy
   very painful, but they are by themselves.
  • Applying cantharidin. Cantharidin - a substance that is obtained from the Spanish fly. Liquid cantharid (cantharidin and salicylic acid) was treated warts, including plantar. It is a painless procedure, so this method can be used to treat young children. However, in some patients the pain and the occurrence of bubbles through 2-24 hours after the procedure. The skin heals within five to ten days. After processing the bandage to the skin. Doctors recommend the use of salicylic patches within a week after the wound occurred, to reduce the risk of relapse.
  • Immunotherapy. This treatment is aimed at stimulating the immune system to make it yourself struggling with warts. This task can be accomplished in different ways. For example, in wart administered interferon, drugs that increase the activity of the immune system and the immune response to the virus which causes warts. Also wart introduced foreign substance (antigen), which also stimulates the immune system. Often used antigens mumps, because many people have been vaccinated against the disease. The antigen triggers an immune response, and the body begins to fight warts. Interferon therapy may cause flu symptoms within a few hours after the procedure. And interferon, and the introduction of antigen quite painful.
  • Application amikvinoda (Aldara). Amikvinod - highly effective drug for the treatment of infectious diseases of the skin, including papillomas, whose action is based on the stimulation of the immune system. Under the influence of amikvinoda body begins to produce immune system proteins (cytokines) that destroy the human papilloma virus. This method of treatment can lead to severe inflammation at the site of application (around the warts), and tissue damage. In this case the treatment is stopped. Use of the drug also causes flu-like symptoms that disappear at lower doses.
  • Excision. This treatment involves removing warts with a scalpel (or an electric needle) after anesthesia of the skin. In the treatment of plantar warts to this method of last resort because of the risk of scarring.
  • Laser therapy. Pulsed laser therapy cauterize the tiny blood vessels in the warts. The infected tissue through some time dies, and the wart falls off. This medication can cause pain and leave scars.
Read more How are

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