cold on the lips during pregnancy
 Cold on the lips - a thing in itself unpleasant. And if it's cold on the lips during pregnancy, the discomfort of the traditional and the best appearance adds experience and future mother about the child's health. Fortunately, this is a solvable problem.


What is a cold on the lips

The so-called "cold" on the lips - a group of small bubbles on the lip or around the mouth. The skin around these bubbles is often red, swollen and painful. The bubbles can burst, they imply the clear liquid, and after a few days, they are covered by crust. Typically, they will disappear in a few days to two weeks.


What causes the common cold on the lips

The advent of cold on the lips is the herpes simplex virus (HSV).

There are two types of herpes simplex virus: HSV-1 and HSV-2. Both types of viruses can cause a cold on the lips and around the mouth and genital herpes.

Herpes simplex virus usually enters the body through a break the skin around the mouth or in the mouth. He usually spread when a person touches a cold or infected fluid, for example, through a common dish, or razor, kissing an infected person or in contact with the saliva of a person. Parents who have a cold on the lips, so often transmit the infection to their children. Cold can also spread to other parts of the body.


What are the symptoms of a cold on the lips

Among the first symptoms of a cold on the lips may include pain in the mouth and on the lips, fever, sore throat or swollen glands in the neck or in other parts of the body. Once bubbles appear, they are usually opened, they imply a clear liquid, then they are covered with a crust and disappear within a few days or two weeks. Some people have a cold on the lips can be very painful. Some have the virus in the body, but cold lips they do not appear. They have no symptoms. How to diagnose a cold on the lips during pregnancy? Your doctor may ask you some questions to find out whether you are entered in contact with the virus, and examine you. Most likely, the tests are not needed.


How to treat a cold on the lips

Cold on the lips usually goes away in a few days. But if it causes pain or embarrassment, it can be treated. Treatment may involve the application of creams, ointments, tablets and sometimes. Treatment may speed up recovery from cold on the lips only one or two days, but it can reduce pain and other unpleasant symptoms.

The herpes simplex virus that causes the common cold on the lips, not treated. Once you have been infected by them, the virus stays in your body for life.

If you often appears cold on the lips, treatment can reduce the number of lesions and reduce their severity.

The virus that causes the common cold on the lips, very common. Most people infected with the virus (HSV) to the time they become adults. While most people are faced with HSV, only 20-40% of colds periodically appear on the lips. After a person becomes infected with a virus, it remains in the body and is passive until activated by something, for example, sun exposure or stress. Active virus leads to a rash of cold on the lips.


How can you prevent the appearance of cold on the lips during pregnancy

You can do something to prevent infection with herpes simplex virus:

  • Do not Kiss with an infected person.
  • Never use cookware or other items that could use a man with a cold.
  • If you are already infected, there is no guaranteed way to prevent rash. But there is something that can reduce their number and prevent the spread of the virus.
  • Avoid factors that can cause rashes, for example, stress, exposure to cold or flu.
  • Always apply lip balm on, and on the face - a cream with UV protection. Too much sunlight can cause a rash of cold on the lips.
  • Do not use the same towels, cutlery, toothbrushes and other items that could use a man with a cold on the lips.
  • If you have a cold on the lips, be sure to wash your hands frequently and do not touch the rash. This can prevent the virus from spreading to the eyes or genitalia area, as well as infection to others.
  • Talk to your doctor if you often have a cold on the lips.

During pregnancy, you may appoint tablets to help prevent the occurrence of cold on the lips. Neither the cold on the lips, or on the herpes simplex virus that causes it, there is no cure. In most cases, a cold on the lips goes away. But drugs can slightly alleviate the condition, and sometimes prevent further eruptions. Treatment will depend on whether the first time you have a cold or she appears periodically, and are you trying to prevent future eruptions. During the first eruption antiviral drugs can reduce pain and shorten recovery time slightly.

Medications that can reduce the intensity and duration of eruption:

  • External creams or ointments can reduce pain, itching and reduce recovery time.
  • Antiviral medicines can be taken at the first sign of a cold (burning or itching). They will not have a significant effect when a cold has already appeared.
  • Antiviral pills can also be taken daily to prevent recurrent eruptions of cold on the lips, especially if it occurs frequently and takes painful.

If you have a weakened immune system, and there is a cold on the lips, you may need higher dose of these medicines.


Other tools

The first case of rash of colds can occur so painful that you can be difficult to eat, drink and sleep. Sometimes you may need to rinse the throat to relieve pain.


Alternative Medicine

No funds of alternative medicine whose efficacy in the treatment or prevention of cold on the lips proved. But if you want to try an alternative method of alleviating the symptoms, there is a lot of money.

Vitamin C, lysine in the form of supplements and lemon balm - Here are examples of the alternative medicine that may provide some relief during eruptions on the lips. Some studies have shown that zinc oxide in the form of a cream and cream with glycine reduce the duration of the rash.

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