inferiority complex
 Inferiority complex - a phenomenon well-known not only in psychology but also in everyday life: the various manifestations of this complex faced perhaps the vast majority of people. In modern psychology, it is widely believed that an inferiority complex rooted in human childhood and is associated with the influence of any adverse conditions for the development of the individual.

What is an inferiority complex

In general, an inferiority complex - that feeling of worthlessness, worthlessness, inferiority in any area. The name of this psychological state speaks for itself: it is a feeling of inferiority, "wrong" is the basis of an inferiority complex, and as a consequence - low self-esteem.

Unfortunately, in spite of a fairly simple essence, an inferiority complex still is one of the most important psychological problems of modern society - under the influence of this complex in a person increasingly "speak" lack of confidence, low self-esteem, hurt pride.


The psychologist Alfred Adler, who formulated the basic concepts such thing as an inferiority complex, argued that this syndrome is formed in early childhood under the influence of any unfavorable conditions for development, a troubled childhood in general. Often the cause of an inferiority complex becomes brutal suppression of the child's identity. For example, an attempt to turn the child of parents, which is absent, and hear musical talent in the young Mozart, coupled with constant criticism, accusations and even insults, inevitably leads to the fact that the child begins to realize certain their inferiority, inadequacy. Failure to meet the expectations and excessive demands of parents - the most fertile ground for the development of an inferiority complex, unpleasant symptoms that occur in childhood and in adulthood.

In the same deep sense of the root cause, "root" the formation of an inferiority complex - and as a child, and it is an adult and responsible person - is fear. Anyone who fears that because of his inferiority, inferiority favorite people turn away from it, throw it, leave alone Loneliness - this is not new, or why am I still alone?  Loneliness - this is not new, or why am I still alone?

Is it dangerous inferiority complex

Alfred Adler, who studied an inferiority complex as a separate phenomenon, linked with the complex action of so-called compensation mechanism. According to the scientist, a psychologist, an inferiority complex in some cases, "awakens" the hidden talents, energy resources person who, seeking to "compensate", to satisfy the feeling of inferiority, "turns off the mountain" in an attempt to achieve something significant. Of course, when all the mental, physical and moral forces of man are aimed at one goal, the results often do not keep us waiting, and people secretly (and perhaps secret even from himself) suffers from an inferiority complex, achieves brilliant success.

However, most of the inferiority complex "activates" not a compensation mechanism, and much more unpleasant tendency - simply "drown out" painful suspicion of inferiority. As such, "Silencing" funds often serve alcohol, drugs, adrenaline and extreme experiences as his sources.

How To Deal

Evolving over the years, the inferiority complex has a lot of unpleasant symptoms, because with him it is possible - and even necessary - to fight rather than submit to it. Of course, the miracle drugs of the psychological condition does not exist, and no anti-depressants do not help finally cope with depression Depression  Depression
 Induced complexes. "Recovery" in this case - the problem is only the man himself.

However, in the struggle with an inferiority complex can help others - in particular, a psychologist, who will help to better recognize their own fears and complexes and suggest a way to deal with them, and loved ones, whose support is especially needed to gain composure.

Tatiana Smirnova

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