irritability during pregnancy
 Irritability during pregnancy - an unfortunate side effect is often accompanied by a period of gestation of the child. Many women put up with this fact, while others worried about the increased sensitivity, emotional, crying and tearing at close. Relatives and friends are able to understand the situation, but the expectant mother should care primarily about their health and the health of their future child. There is nothing surprising in the fact that irritability worried pregnant woman and she is looking for ways to cope with it.


Physiological causes irritability

Pregnancy - the most important period in the life of any woman. In the first nine months of the body goes into a different mode of operation, rearranging the hormonal system in preparation for the birth of a new life. Such changes can not affect the psycho-emotional state of the expectant mother. Hormonal changes involve both positive aspects and negative, to which include mood swings, irritability, tearfulness.

The hormone progesterone is called the pregnancy hormone doctors. Its main task - to support the body during the entire period of gestation. From the moment of conception, the level increases and the entire responsibility for the emotional state of a woman lying on it.

This is physiology and it is normal, so do not be alarmed if at times there are so-called spleen, increased sensitivity to what is happening around, emotional vulnerability, inability to contain the tears. In some cases, the physiological factors stratify the psychological, and the result is an explosive mixture with tantrums, screaming, high anxiety, mood swings, major depressive thoughts.


Psychological causes irritability

Individual psychological causes of poor health and emotional background of instability during pregnancy can be any number. It is possible that an unplanned pregnancy, there are problems with the father of a child to work, and other background situation is not conducive to a pleasant feeling and positive. The growing belly, hormonal transposition, toxemia Toxicosis: expectant mothers as interesting  Toxicosis: expectant mothers as interesting
 , Expanding waist, swelling and other adverse physiological characteristics of this period have contributed to increasing the overall unfavorable picture. Woman breaks at all and all of which are affected not only by its surroundings, but she was.

After failures with a splash of sore, it should be a sense of guilt as an adequate ratio of women to their irritability and spontaneous tantrums. If you do not take appropriate measures, all repeated in a circle, and emotional instability sometimes enhanced with the passage of time.

In some cases, the woman and after childbirth can not calm down, seriously worrying over their new status, not allowing yourself to feel all the charm of healthy mothers, missing the most important moments of his life and the life of their unborn child.

There is another psychological factor at which women are increased irritability during pregnancy. Rather, it occurs at a subconscious level, and is not always realized without the help of a specialist. As you know, in the conception Conception - as the emerging life  Conception - as the emerging life
   child, both parents are involved, but with all its pregnancy toxicosis and other problems rests entirely on the shoulders of women. He understands that a woman or not, but it may be irritated at him, blaming him that it is because of him, it is in this position and feels bad. She realizes that she is pregnant, and nine months it is necessary to go through it, and while she has a resentment and anger at the man who is deprived of all the difficulties.


Methods of dealing with irritability during pregnancy

Today the pharmaceutical market of drugs with a sedative effect that can be taken during pregnancy. Taking these medicines must be used under strict medical supervision, no self should not be.

Many women against medication for anxiety for the future of the child, so the methods of treatment of increased excitability should be considered natural.

Nutrition - the major component of well-being and stability of mental and emotional background. Deficiency of B vitamins, especially vitamin B6, is fraught with failure in the nervous system. Vitamin B6 or pyridoxine is called the most feminine vitamin Vitamins for everyone  Vitamins for everyone
 That is completely untrue. This is a true antidepressant that, besides struggling with water retention in the body - that a pregnant woman should be sensitized. This vitamin is found in hazelnuts, pine nuts and walnuts, mackerel, sardines and tuna, sweet pepper, beef liver, garlic and pomegranate.

Irritability during pregnancy will not be bothered if to secure a periodic relaxation, absence of severe stress, experiences at work and other stressful situations. Relaxation adjusts quiet soothing music, watching a movie, perhaps, painting, knitting or something, what can sublimate the accumulated negative energy. Get enough sleep, a varied menu, fresh air - integral parts of good health for the mother.

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