What is love
 There is not one person who would know exactly what kind of a beast, love, dating from King Solomon with his marvelous "Book of Songs" and ending with Alexander Pushkin with his love poetry. Of course, the humble author of this works do not raise the veil on this mystery of mysteries. However, try to understand what is love, after all, worth it - suddenly, sooner or later somebody will turn it yes?

 What is love

What exactly is not love

Elusive and always mocking eludes rational gaze the beauty of love lies in the fact that people are much easier to identify and designate specific words and terms that love just is not than to approach at least at the nanometer (author considers himself fulfilled the modern Russian rule of etiquette in any text to mention nanotechnology) to continue the phrase "Love is ...". Well, the proof by contradiction is not worse than any other. So, when a person is quite clear and does not need to go to any fortunetellers or psychics, or a visit to Wikipedia to understand - well, no, brothers and sisters, this is exactly dislike?

Surely if one person wants to receive from another only to receive and receive, without experiencing the desire for a second something to give. And it is unlikely it comes to love, when one person did not care what happens to others, he does not ask for it, and does not offer its assistance, or at least support. One hundred and one percent in favor of the love and smells where one person is uninteresting and boring to others, and it seeks in every way to find any business that it does not interfere and does not get underfoot. But then this is a significant reason to think - in fact just been described in most cases obvious signs of relationships between man and woman, whether they formalized a registered marriage or informal hide behind the phrase "we are together, and papers stamped us to anything." It is hardly big news, which is not all a declaration of love really love, but still ...

 What is love

This is exactly the love

But then, what a thing - no one can say what love is, but almost everyone except what some absolutely neglected emotional pathologies able to instinctively feel the action generated by love .  A person can not be found in the life of a line from "Romeo and Juliet" and believe that Shakespeare - it's sort of English beer; a person may use the word "love" and "love" as a word-ligament SMS correspondence or communication on internet forums; People may confuse love with how whatever other feeling or phenomenon .  A person can generally have to love any desired ratio: but when he went out in the morning at home, see under some windows though not a million, but only a thousand and one rose, he realizes that it is love .  When one observes that only two look at each other, not noticing anything, and no one around, he realizes that it is love .  When one realizes that all the logical conclusions and the conclusions he should not like here is this man, and he is without feeling overwhelmed and almost crippled, deprived of oxygen, light, sounds and smells - to him not once, but still I realize that this is love .  When a man with his head resting on a pillow, going to sleep, to his surprise discovers that his thoughts swarm of hovering around the other person, he, too, will not go away by the realization that this is love .  And each of us can bring a million other examples, and still will not be enough .  Maybe humanity is high time to come to terms with the fact that love is like gravity - do not seem to see, but there?

 What is love

Instead of an epilogue

There have been not so much a case study, is not that a scientific survey, but simply a conversation with familiar men and women, which is proposed to say what love is. Each of the men began to argue. Moreover, the arguments were very varied, from the chemical reaction and instinct of reproduction to the sentimental maxims. And every woman answered simply and quickly: "I do not know." What does this mean?

Alexander Babitsky

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