Five sentences, who want to hear a woman on a first date
   You met on the Internet. A few weeks you are chatting. From time to time call up. So you have decided to "razvirtualizirovatsya" and meet in real life. But now that you have the opportunity to spend a few hours in a live conversation with a woman that you really like, than it inspire? How to find the right words? Let us help you find the words that will help you strengthen the good impression How to make a good first impression: a work on the  How to make a good first impression: a work on the

 5 phrases that they want to hear a woman on a first date

№5 - «You look great"

Show that you appreciate her desire to please. Believe me, even if your relationship will last a couple of months (and you both know it), and she looks pretty casually (jeans, T-shirt, her hair Hair: structure, characteristics of growth and development  Hair: structure, characteristics of growth and development
   pulled in a ponytail), this ostentatious negligence. In fact, she spent a lot of time on the selection of all the elements of this uncomplicated ensemble, it carefully pondered, considered other options and make a choice. No need to clarify that it is in her appearance you so much. Just let her know that her efforts noticed.

 5 phrases that they want to hear a woman on a first date

№4 - «How was your day? "

It may seem insignificant, but in fact in such a way you express interest in her life. Listen carefully to her answer, even if it is the only event of the day - a quarrel with a colleague at work. In addition, it will serve as an occasion to talk in the future (for example, you might ask whether she was able to make peace with a colleague?)

 5 phrases that they want to hear a woman on a first date

№3 - «I am very happy with you"

This is probably the best phrase you can say on a date! It relieves stress and calms the woman, telling her that there is no cause for feelings. In addition, the phrase provoked a response to the recognition of a woman. At best, she would say: "And I am with you", at worst - arrogant utters: "How nice."

 5 phrases that they want to hear a woman on a first date

№2 - «What do you think about this? "

Men are always ready to express his opinion on any matter, regardless of whether it is interesting interlocutor. But the view of women ask - alas! - rarely. On the date often ask the opinion of a woman on a particular occasion - a great way to keep the conversation going. Naturally, on the first date First date: everything is just beginning  First date: everything is just beginning
   better not touch sensitive and personal topics that may be unpleasant woman (for example, the question "What do you think about a threesome?" on the first date is irrelevant). Stick to neutral topics - politics, music, movies and so on.

 5 phrases that they want to hear a woman on a first date

№1 - «I would like to see you again"

This phrase - a great way to finish a beautifully successful date. She convinces the woman that you loved her, and eliminates the agonizing wait a phone call. Believe me, she will appreciate the gesture.

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