• Birthmarks: signs of needing attention
  • Features

 Once they were considered marks of the devil, and treated them with caution and care. Today birthmarks to a more civilized attitude, but that does not mean that no attention paid to them is not necessary. Large and small, dark and light, flat and convex birthmarks continue to require very careful handling. Joking with moles is impossible, and at the slightest concern on the part of neoplasms should immediately see a doctor and get tested.


"Non-native" spots

The name "birthmark" is not quite correct definition because not all moles, which are available on our face and body, we got back in the womb. A child may be born with symptoms of hyperpigmentation of the skin, but most birthmarks are formed after birth.

Birthmarks, also known as nevi or easier - moles - are limited hyperpigmented skin. Moles are formed from clusters of melanocytes, can be either very small, subtle and giant, flat, not troublesome, and convex, which subsequently become dangling. Birthmarks vary in coloration, are pale yellowish color of coffee with milk or rich brown, almost black.

Throughout his life a person can form new birthmarks usually happens in times of hormonal changes the body, puberty or during pregnancy. Existing moles Moles:: tags fate or bombs?  Moles:: tags fate or bombs?
   may become a little lighter or darker, and several changes in volume and area.


Types of Birthmarks

  • Lentigo is a flat round shape stains from light to dark brown. There are senile lentigines, these spots cover the face, décolleté and hands.
  • Freckles - a small birthmarks that are found in children and adults, mostly light or redheads. Freckles - it is the result of increased local formation of melanin Which foods contain melanin - skin care  Which foods contain melanin - skin care
 That it often affects fair-skinned people.
  • Nevus hemangioma is formed vascular tissue. In humans, they are formed even in utero. Distinguish different hemangiomas, which are different from each other and form color. Hemangioma can be pale pink or dark red, flat, convex, round or star. Most hemangiomas spontaneously disappear in 2-7 years. If these birthmarks change color and structure are concerned itching, you should immediately consult an oncologist.
  • Giant pigmented nevi may be observed in neonates. His name is very eloquent - a birthmark can take a giant scale, the most densely covered with hair nevus Hair: structure, characteristics of growth and development  Hair: structure, characteristics of growth and development
  • In the infancy of the child may receive a blue nevus - a birthmark bluish tint. Later, the person may show halo-nevus. It represents the mole dark brown, which is surrounded by a rim around the perimeter of skin lightening.

Birthmarks on the body of the child may eventually disappear, however, parents need to be very careful to make sure that the child does not bother him.


Secure mole or a melanoma?

Birthmarks are at all the people, and many, especially those who have a lot of moles or owners of large pigmented areas, worried about the possibility of rebirth secure a spot in Cancer tumor. The fear is the possibility of masking a mole melanoma. How to recognize the danger and prevent its consequences?

If changes before relaxing suspicious birthmark, mole itches, bleeds, itches, change its shape, which are irregular, you should not delay to consult a doctor-dermatologist. So it is possible at an early stage to notice the degeneration of benign to malignant. Any birthmark in any case not be disturbed, because this can trigger irreversible reaction.

Big trouble delivering the hair on birthmarks that are particularly unaesthetic look on his face. The hair on the mole - a sign of health and purity. If the birthmark is good circulation, her hair grows - this is normal. Many try their shear, shave, pluck with tweezers, and it is very dangerous. Hair birthmark can only be accurately cut nail scissors. Shaving can hurt a mole, like plucking, which always injure it.

Can I get rid of the hair on a mole? The answer is negative. Birthmark must be removed entirely, if necessary, and all hair removal methods leave for other parts of the body. By the way, hair loss independent of moles should be alerted - probably began rebirth.

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