compliments for men
 Women are used to receiving compliments with or without him, by loved ones and by strangers on the street at all. Men often suffer from a lack of compliments in his address, but they are no less important.

 Compliments for men: the mandatory program for the stronger sex

"You can do it! "

Talk to the man such words when it comes to his skills and talents in the kitchen, in the gym, in the garage or even in the bedroom. Strong sex necessarily need to hear that they believe - it is a good motivation.

 Compliments for men: the mandatory program for the stronger sex

"You make me happy (makes you laugh, feel safe)"

It's quite sensual words, and when a man hears them, for him perhaps the best compliment Compliments  Compliments
 . This means that what he does is really important for his woman, she sees it and appreciates.

 Compliments for men: the mandatory program for the stronger sex

Compliment appearance

A man is to say, for example, that he had beautiful eyes, strong hands, manly shoulders and so on - everything about its appearance, for it is very important as it improves self-esteem.

 Compliments for men: the mandatory program for the stronger sex

"I like to spend time with you"

These words show the man what his status, money, and other external factors are less important than his inner world, a woman who appreciates.

 Compliments for men: the mandatory program for the stronger sex

"I like the way you look in this shirt"

Not all men are paying enough attention to his style, but everyone wants to look irresistible. Therefore, if he puts something really beautiful, what it is, it should be noted that, praising his ability to dress.

 Compliments for men: the mandatory program for the stronger sex

"You are doing your job well"

Like complimenting a woman gives a man to understand what she sees and says his efforts he is making for career advancement, to make money, for self-realization.

 Compliments for men: the mandatory program for the stronger sex

"You have a wonderful family (friends)"

Men need to know that his significant other respects his family and takes good friends who are a huge part of his life.

 Compliments for men: the mandatory program for the stronger sex

"What will I do without you? "

Men like to feel needed. This applies to different aspects - from the opening of banks to financial aid. Let the man understand that he will really expensive - and it is appreciated.

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