declaration of love
 Perhaps, it is very difficult to find in the world of a man who would not dream to hear the confessions of love - people, regardless of sex or age, want to hear the sacred words that make it clear right away so much: you are very important to someone, you are not alone, you make someone's life better just because you - there. However, this does not mean that you can confess your love anytime: when and how you do it is important.


The first declaration of love

To say "I love you" for the first time is more difficult than to invite to the first date, suggest: "Let's live together", or - "Maybe we have children? ". Admitting such deep feelings, a person feels very vulnerable and it is extremely frustrating and scary, even if he has confidence in his partner. It is terrible to not hear the same words to answer, even if you feel that your partner looks at you with love, and see that it is not just spends with you almost all the spare time. What to do with this fear? Walk through it and say what you want to say. Psychologists say that we should not wonder about who should be the first to confess your love. If you really want to do it - do it.

According to polls, the majority of people for the first time recognized in love after three to six months of relations. Earlier recognition is usually considered to be too hasty, and if the partner is not recognized in love six months of relationship, it can cause fear that his feelings - and intentions - not serious enough. Of course, every rule there are exceptions: some people do not like to talk about feelings, do not call my partner affectionate nickname, but the relationship of this does not become less deep and real. However, most people still nice to hear a declaration of love, and they are waiting for it with bated breath, but it is very important to choose the right time and circumstances for recognition.


When there is a declaration of love

  • On the first date First date: everything is just beginning  First date: everything is just beginning
 . And on the second, third or even tenth. If you feel that you are madly in love, there will be nothing wrong if you wait to the confessions, give first passion die down a bit, and see what will be after it.
  • During sex. If you are a declaration of love for the first time during sex, the partner may decide that you have done it in a fit of passion, and the recognition in his eyes lose their value. Later, you can say that I enjoy it almost any time, but the first time it should be done when your mind is clear and not clouded by anything.
  • In a state of intoxication. There is virtually the same as with declarations during sex. The first recognition must come from a completely sober person.
  • After a quarrel. If you had a falling out, you need to focus on the resolution of the problems, rather than on how to divert attention to something else. In this situation, people may think that you are a declaration of love, to smooth the conflict, and not because they really feel love for him.
  • In a hurry. No need to confess your love for the first time, when you are in a hurry somewhere, or in between times. Say "I love you" when you and your partner have the opportunity to enjoy the moment, because the second the first time will be gone.

If it is obvious that your feelings are not reciprocated. No need to confess your love to the person who clearly does not value you, frankly ignores your needs, behaves rudely, and so on. In such cases, the recognition, in the best case, will not affect your relationship, and at worst - will lead to the fact that people will behave worse, because he is sure that now you will not go anywhere. If the object of unrequited love - a friend or colleague, a declaration of love even more is not: it will only cause embarrassment both you and him.


When is a declaration of love

  • When you are together for a long time. If your relationship lasted for three to six months and, apparently, you both want them to continue in the future, most likely, it's time for confession.
  • When you begin to live together. If you have decided to live together, perhaps your feelings for each other are clear and without words. However, that is no reason to deprive a loved one declaration of love, so that after the bathroom will be two toothbrushes and your favorite mug will get permanent residence in his kitchen, you can arrange a romantic evening, and finally talk about their feelings.
  • Just one day. A wonderful day spent with loved ones - whether he was devoted to mountain climbing, walk in the park or exclusively have sex - you can make it even more memorable, a declaration of love for the first time.
  • When you can not keep silent. It is not necessary to contain a declaration of love, which almost breaks with language. If you feel that you just can not keep quiet and did not say what you feel, so a good time to recognize it, so - say, and it is sure to be right and proper.


Signs that a man loves you, even though he does not say so

Some men are very chary of talking about their feelings, but there are many signs that are no less eloquent than the real declaration of love.

  • The long, passionate kisses. If he always gives you exactly those kisses, it is a clear sign that he feels for you is more than a simple liking.
  • His friends are warm to you. True friends will always be nice to women, which makes them more happy, so the ratio of its friends to you - a very accurate indicator of his feelings.
  • Smiling after the kiss. If a man is constantly shining smile after you kiss it, it is likely to say that his feelings for you are very serious.
  • He listens attentively to you. Loving a man really interested in what says his favorite: he leans closer to you during a call, ask clarifying questions, offering their own solutions to problems.
  • Calls or SMS without cause. He calls you not just to be invited to the next meeting or to learn about plans for the weekend, but for a reason - to hear your voice, share your impressions of the just read a book, and so on.
  • Meaningful gifts. "Significant" - is not necessarily "expensive". The man, who is very dear woman, can make a lot of effort to give her exactly what she needed, and not just the traditional bouquets (which, of course, does not make them less pleasant gifts). For example, a man can give you a book that you once said that for a long time want to read it, but can not find in stores, and read e-books, you do not like. Such courtesies mean that he really cares about you, and feeds to your deepest feelings.

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