• Divination - psychological aspect
  • Archetypes

 People resort to divination since ancient times. Mankind has always wanted to know what to expect in the future. And it is quite natural desire, as any of us would like to have at least a glimpse of their future, and divination supposedly provide this chance.


Types of divination

All kinds of methods of divination did not exist before. Some of them seem very strange. For example, gelomantiya - is guessing at which you need to listen to hysterical laughter (and even the sounds of animals), to predict the future. Felidomaniya - is guessing at which observe the behavior of a cat on it and predict the future. Everyone knows that if a black cat enters your path, it is unfortunately. There was a barbaric method of divination, when removing the interior of the recently killed animal, put them on the ground and watched, did not form any flowing blood of any characters. According to him and foretold the future.

For more harmless methods of divination include numerology, phrenology and palmistry. Many people believe that a person's name (and even the number of letters in his name) can tell us about what future awaits him. This is based on numerology. Phrenology is based on the fact that it is possible to predict the future of man in the structure of his skull. This method of divination was popular among the residents of America and Europe in the 1800s.

Many of the methods of divination that were popular at the previous generations, preserved today. These include the numerology and palmistry, and Tarot divination.

Over the millennia mankind has considered dreams one way to know the future and to predict some events. This method of divination is still popular to this day. It published many books and disks with the interpretation of dreams. Some of the people believe in dreams, and someone - no. But, nevertheless, this method of divination is still alive.


Features of the human brain

Whatever the method of divination, the basis of it is to find meaning and purpose in random data and phenomena. The human brain is perfectly learned to find (or create) the value, even where it can not be, for example, random data. That is why people are able to see images of faces and other pictures in the clouds, stained with Rorschach and coffee grounds. This phenomenon is called the visual illusion of fiction content or pareidolia. It is well known in psychology.

Whatever it was, but all interested in the question of whether these are true methods of divination. Practice shows that these fortune-telling has nothing to do with the future. See for yourself, how many times has predicted the end of the world, and it is, thank God, has not yet arrived. But the tragic events of September 11 in the United States or the tsunami in Japan in 2001, no one predicted, unfortunately.

So why do so many people still continue to believe in fortune-telling, no matter what? This is for a reason.

So, when people go to fortunetellers and soothsayers? Usually, people are turning to fortune-tellers when they are frightened or desperate. When people are not sure that they are doing the right thing and need to be confirmed when they have big problems, and so on, they are ready to believe in any of divination and prophecy. It is at stake is those who earn this way a living. They give their clients confidence in a better future and hope that they all will be well.

Unfortunately, the majority of fortune-tellers and soothsayers do not have the ability to predict the future. Although it is possible that there really are people who have the ability to eat, but not so much as it seems. Most often based mass of people engaged in fortune-telling are just good psychologists. They tell people what they want to hear. But with the prediction of the future that has nothing in common.

There are several reasons why people in the false twisting phenomenon:

  • Firstly, it facilitates their lives. When you have a problem, then it's easier to explain this by the fact that you had the fate of this. But really, people should try to solve the problem and not just accept it and move on, telling himself that nothing can be changed.
  • Secondly, people want someone to make decisions for them. That is why they turn to fortune tellers.
  • Third, people believe that they are dealing with something that is higher than their strength. Humanity is inherent in the belief that there is some higher power that controls our lives. It is based on this religion and faith in God. This principle is used in divination.
  • Fourth, people are not aware of their real problems, and if they realize they do not know how to solve them. Everything that happens in our lives is not always correct. Very often, the real problems are hidden behind those that seem obvious. If you feel that you are constantly unlucky, then you blame your destiny, but do not try to do something to change it.
  • Fifth, people want to get straight answers to their questions. People do not like to think, analyze and reason, so resort to fortune-tellers that give them quick and clear answers to their questions.
  • Sixth, people believe in fortune-telling, as are simply ignorant. An educated man will never go to a fortune teller, and try to solve the problem himself.

Many people believe in fortune-telling, do not realize that if the fortune-telling are true, then they are responsible for one of the main issues in philosophy - the question of free will and predestination. Most people want to believe that they control their own actions and their own decisions. But those who can predict the future, cast doubt on this belief. Even if you know your future, you will not be able to influence it and change anything, because everything in life is predetermined.

In fact, if you want to know what is the probability that in your life there will be something good or bad, for example, a big prize in a lottery or death during a crash, it is natural, but hardly anyone is exactly want to know , whether this will happen in his life or not. It is better to let it be the unknown.

Whatever it was, most people understand that the fortune-telling - it is an illusion, but this illusion of fear is real.

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