• Emerald (Beryl) - mystical healing stone
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 emerald beryl
 His emerald green school is obliged to impurities of chromium and vanadium. In extremely rare nature emeralds without inclusions and defects, so to improve their crystals often treated oil. To cut emeralds step uses a special method, known as emerald cut. In ancient legends emerald associated with Mercury, the messenger of the gods and the patron saint of travelers. There is nothing surprising in the fact that the emerald is a stone that helps people in a way that protect travelers and travelers.

Less known is the ability of an emerald "sweat" when heated, that is to allocate water. Even the ancients noticed this feature of emerald and not once mentioned it in ancient manuscripts.

 Emerald (Beryl) - mystical healing stone

The physical properties of emerald

Emerald has a hexagonal crystal structure and hardness of seven or eight on the Mohs' scale. From a chemical point of view of the emerald - a beryllium aluminum silicate, special color infused inclusion of chromium. In ancient times emerald was considered one of the most precious stones. In ancient Egypt, it is widely used for jewelry, for decoration of household items and luxury. That the Egyptians, according to historians, the first to develop and produce emeralds.

In fact, emerald - a beryl. In nature, there are a variety of shades of beryl. Emerald Green phrase used for the name of the stone, and to designate the colors. By mixing blue and green shades obtained stone, known to us under the name of aquamarine. Pink Beryl - a morganite, yellow beryl is called golden beryl, and yellow-green - heliodor. There is also a red beryl, but it rarely occurs.

 emerald beryl
  emerald beryl

High-quality emerald lush green in the global market of precious stones can cost much higher than a diamond of similar size and weight. It is believed that the most pure and valuable emeralds come into the market from South America, and more specifically from Columbia, where their development and production is carried out over the last four years. Emeralds were known to the Indians inhabiting the territory of Mexico and Peru before the arrival of the Spaniards. They are not only mined emeralds, but they were made of ornaments and household items filigree. Later, many of these precious items were taken to Spain by the conquistadors.

 emerald beryl
  emerald beryl

Meets all standards of quality emerald is one of the most valuable gem among gems. The main countries-getters natural emeralds are India, Zimbabwe and Australia. In the production of synthetic emeralds today are leading Germany, USA and France. East Emerald - it is a separate transparent stone green variety of corundum.

 Emerald (Beryl) - mystical healing stone

Emerald Mystical Properties

Emerald is considered a symbol of love and romance. This crystal develops a vision, improves memory, spiritual purification, gives joy and harmony. In addition to all of the above emerald credited with qualities that help a person to develop intuition, sociability and honesty. In Hinduism, the emerald is associated with the heart chakra.

 emerald beryl
  emerald beryl

Emerald is a sacred stone of the goddess Venus, symbol of love and devotion. Also, this green crystal often acts as a sign of hope or stone predictions and foresight. Some people believe that the emerald is able to calm metuschiysya mind, give peace and harmony, to open human wisdom, to help in understanding the laws of the universe. The most appropriate time to wear the emerald is considered to be in the spring when the stone shows its quality to the greatest extent.

As a token of their love and loyalty to give your loved one an emerald, a gift will not only beautiful, but also carrying a definite meaning and charge. In some cultures, the emerald is considered a symbol of the fertile rain, and in Christianity, this stone is associated with faith and hope.

 Emerald (Beryl) - mystical healing stone

The healing properties of emerald

Emerald has the ability to heal both physical and emotional pain of man. Emerald ring on the index finger of the left hand of the healer helps to relieve back pain Back pain: Causes of chronic low back pain  Back pain: Causes of chronic low back pain
 . In the treatment of emeralds used another way: the healer ring rotates at a distance of five centimeters from the human spine, describing small circles.

 emerald beryl
  emerald beryl

Emerald has a very strong energy, which improves visual acuity and strengthens the heart muscle, nervous and immune systems. The peak activity of emerald energy falls on the full moon. Some nationalities used the emerald to treat eye diseases. Emerald put in a bowl of water overnight and the next day they bury the eyes of this water.

Emerald - stone of harmony, wisdom and love. Give your loved one an emerald, and if your motives are pure and sincere, this incredible gift bring you closer. Emerald is filled with love, he - as a bridge between the hearts of lovers.

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