First Date Sex
 Sex on a first date - problematic topic for both men and women. Usually, women believe that sex on the first date should be avoided, even if it is obvious that both partners are very sympathetic to each other - too quickly agreed to have sex the women themselves considered a sign of availability. In men, the attitude to the issue is less clear: some of them want to have sex on a first date (and in general - want it as soon as possible), and someone also thinks women who quickly agreed to have sex, affordable, and unsuitable for long-term, serious relationship. Moreover, the same as a man can seek sex on the first date, and biased attitude towards women, which it did agree.



According to surveys conducted in a number of Western countries, about 20% of men at least once in his life had sex on the first date and consider it the norm .  Yes, it's one in five men .  The same poll showed that 20% of the level of education was lower than average among the respondents; In addition, these men considered themselves, on average, more attractive, and thus were more likely to be depressed than other respondents .  If a little easier these results, it appears that supporters of sex on the first date are often not very smart, a little arrogant and depressive man .  It was also found that these men often lose interest in a woman shortly after physical intimacy .  Psychologists say that men who in private life are the players who are accustomed to take what they need quickly and easily, often frustrated, and it's apparently not so much in women as in how to These are the men .

Finally, these men are more likely to change in the future, when they have a serious relationship. Many of them say that they will have real feelings, they, at first, will not rush into sex, and, secondly, will not change. However, according to psychologists, the habit of sex after a short dating and relationships without obligation prevails, and so the men fairly easy to decide to commit adultery.

Of course, sex on the first date First date: everything is just beginning  First date: everything is just beginning
   and men are engaged in non-typical representatives of the above 20%, and women, including surveys on the subject has not yet been carried out. Have sex on the first date is, as disadvantages and advantages - below we will talk about those of others.


Reasons for sex on the first date - not a good idea

  • The sense of unease

Having sex for the first time with someone else, most people feel uncomfortable. It has a lot of reasons: fear discouraged and disappointed, uncertainty in his body, taboos concerning sexual relations - it is a lot of people, but are often depressed, and so on. However, sex after the first date, as a rule, it is much more awkward than that after a more or less long period of courtship. With a man whom you had to know better, much easier to relax than with someone you know only a few days.

  • He / she may disappear after the first date

This happens often, but if on the first date you ever had sex, you will feel much worse than if you just had a talk over dinner.

  • Self-esteem

A person who is able to wait, in most cases, more confident, more respect himself than one who seeks to have sex on the first date. Gender man here does not matter. In men, the rush can talk about is not too busy sex life and lack of demand, and women - the same thing that men, as well as the desperate effort to bind the man by any means. Of course, this stereotyping, and a person may have a very strong libido, but in any case it must be able to restrain their desires. In most cases, this ability to play into his hands.

  • Feelings

This item is the most relevant for women. They can be easily attached to the man after one night, especially if he is able and gentle lover Lover: the real situation  Lover: the real situation
 . This feeling is often mistaken for love, and sometimes for the love that is unlikely to end up with something good. The most common scenario: a man leaves and the woman is, as it seems, with a broken heart Broken Heart: Steps to recovery  Broken Heart: Steps to recovery
 . Alternatively, the pair has the illusion of intimacy through sex, and only some time later, they begin to realize that, in fact, they have very little in common between them could have a serious relationship. This is perhaps the main reason for which is to engage in sex after being among the partners there is emotional intimacy.

  • Anticipation

People who have sex on the first date, deprive themselves of the pleasure to look forward to physical intimacy, wait for it, dream about it - and yet, anticipation is not only nice in itself, but also adds a thrill when the relationship finally go to sex.


Reasons for deciding to have sex on the first date

  • How long have you known each other

This is your first real date, but you've been talking to, you know, you have a lot in common, feel sympathy for each other - in general, the between you is almost everything is clear, and the invitation to the meeting was a mere formality.

  • Strong passion

It happens that people yearn for each other at first sight. Such a relationship does not necessarily escalate into something serious - is more likely that this will not happen, but that does not mean you have to indulge in a short pleasure. If you have a strong desire, and you see that your partner feels the same way, no need to wait for the second or third date; most importantly, do not forget about condoms.

  • You are on vacation

If you are invited to a meeting during the holidays, and you really want sex with her new friend, wait this is not necessary. Firstly, because the second date may not be - any of you can go (even if you leave before the end of another week, all kinds of surprises happen), and you'll probably regret undone. Secondly, if you are free, sex on vacation may be just a part of the holiday - more likely both partners do not take it seriously, so you should not worry about any kind of decency. Just remember safety rules: use condoms, do not go along with the unknown places, and do not expect that from a casual relationship have something serious.

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