Sex on the Beach
 The thought of having sex on the beach conjure soft warm sand, sounds of the sea, and a true passion, which can flare up when people are given the love in the wild. Or almost wild - for example, a couple of kilometers from the nearest hotel, which has all the benefits of civilization. In real life, sex on the beach may differ significantly from your fantasies. To avoid disappointment and trouble, it is recommended to follow some rules.


Rules of sex on the beach

  • Beware of crabs

And the other inhabitants of the coastal areas, which is rightly considered the beach their home, and who are not accustomed to see people copulating in the lap of nature.

  • Carefully choose the place

Firstly, it is clear that sex on the pebble beach will bring more suffering than pleasure .  If there are other beaches nearby have to bring along an air mattress, and it does not allow you to get the full range of feelings .  So clean sandy beaches - the best choice for those who want to enjoy intimacy with someone you love the sound of the surf .  Second, choose the beaches are located far enough away from the hotels and settlements, or at the most crucial moment of your privacy may be violated .  Third, position yourself away from the water .  Yes, it is amazing feeling - when your partner caresses your breasts, and the sea caresses the foot, but a large wave or tide can spoil all the fun .  Third, find out the weather forecast and tide height .  In some seas, tides are practically invisible, while in others they exceed the height of ten meters: that is, if you are located a few meters from the water's edge when the tide begins, your hideaway may be under water .  The weather will let you know, is not expected any great excitement or storm just at the time when you plan to retire on the beach .

  • Wait Until Dark

Of course, you can go very far away from towns and villages, but it will not guarantee that you will not notice if you prefer to have sex on the beach by day. In some countries, it does not threaten anything but easy embarrassment in others - can lead to problems with the law or with the locals. Therefore, for the sake of your comfort and safety have sex on the beach alone at night.

  • Prepare

Bring a large towel or blanket (if you have sex right on the sand, it gets to where it should not be, and will cause a sensation, more like torture than unearthly pleasure), a small towel, plastic bag for the used condom (please Do not leave behind garbage), a bottle of water and wet wipes. In any case, grab a flashlight, but do not use it without the need to avoid attracting attention. If after sex you decide to take a nap, get an alarm clock on your mobile phone, or the first person you see when you wake up, the person can be a local fisherman, tourists (and well, if he will only look, not photographed), or a police officer.

  • Dress comfortably

In this case it is convenient that you can quickly take off and put on, which is not too easy to get dirty and wrinkled.

  • Avoid water

Couples, passionately kissing and hugging in the water, they look great in the movie, but the harsh reality is full of disappointments. Firstly, to have sex in the water quite uncomfortable. Secondly, the water washes away the natural lubrication of the vagina, making sex even less comfortable. Third, the water carries the danger from sharp stones, stepping on that very unpleasant, jellyfish, which are better dealt with, but do not touch, to the treacherous currents - for example, reverse flow may well cost you and your life partner. Also, remember the movie "Jaws."

  • Be aware of the laws and customs of the host country

Do not have sex on the beach in Muslim countries. Even if the country's laws are relatively mild, some locals may be radical religious beliefs, and accidentally stumbled on a sweet couple, they may react very aggressively. Also, do not make love on Indian beaches. In most parts of India tourist beaches almost always boil life, and the less frequented places - its dangers. Perhaps the risk of rape in this country is really exaggerated, but you would not want to check for yourself, what is the probability to meet in a secluded spot of locals, bad control their sexuality. Finally, do not need to have sex on the beaches of any country, which is currently going armed conflict, or where extremely high levels of crime. In fact, in these countries it is better not to go, but if you got there - behave cautiously.


Where to have sex: the most romantic beaches in the world

  • Greece, the island of Kea, the Gulf region is described. Forget the more popular Greek island - one of the most beautiful and romantic beach on the small island of Kea, where you take the ferry from Athens. Since this place is not included in the main tourist routes, it is unlikely that you're being disturbed. POLESIE Bay is located near the ancient settlement Karfea and other attractions. But the main thing - here sandy beach, blue sea and rocks that seem set to enjoy the love of them and the pristine beauty of nature.
  • British Virgin Islands, Peter Wight Bay. More than ten kilometers of golden sand from between the bright blue sea and emerald green - this is the place if created for the sensual pleasures. The advantage and, at the same time, the disadvantage of this place is that it is quite hard to get here. But if you do get, you probably will not regret the done way.
  • Hawaii, Oahu, Sunset Beach. The beauty of Sunset Beach is that it is - one of the most secluded beaches, the most populous island in the Hawaiian archipelago. Most tourists do not leave on Waikiki, and if you do not want to drink cocktails at the endless loud multilingual crowd, go to the north of the island: you will not be colder, but if that - vyznat as warm.
  • Italy, Palermo, Mondello beach. This place attracts lovers of delicious seafood, neat boulevards and luxury hotels. Since Italians meticulously monitor the cleanliness, at local beaches virtually no plastic cups, bottles and used condoms. Leave far away from the coastal hotels and restaurants, and if you catch someone, say you turned the head of the Italian air and wine - you probably understand.
  • Thailand, Phuket Province, the island of Phi Phi Don. The limestone cliffs, azure water and white beaches of this small island attracts thousands of tourists, but with the onset of darkness here is easy to find a secluded place where you can enjoy each other while other tourists rest in their hotels.

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