• How to diversify sex life: turn ingenuity
  • Advice

 diversify sex life
 Over time, even the relationship that began with strong mutual feelings, may lose the spark: daily activities, financial and psychological difficulties, the monotony of family life - there is nothing that could stimulate the libido. What to do, how to diversify sex life and maintain a relationship "with the light"?

Gradually, many people no longer enough of the passions, which happens to be at the beginning of the relationship, when we still do not know about your partner, with trembling wonder: "Maybe he is the same man? "When every touch is a sweet trembling, not to mention sex. But does this mean that strong emotions can be experienced only when your partner - is unfamiliar to you people, and with her husband, whom you know for many years, it is unattainable? No, it does not. Of course, emotions are not as strong as when you were barely familiar, they will be different, but your sex life this should not become less busy.


Listen to your libido

According to some films, in perfect pairs partners are ready at any moment to rip each other's clothes and have sex are not any available surface, which they do, using every opportunity. Such passions do not interfere even three young children and the presence of both spouses work. But this - in the movies. In reality, people are tired, they often lack the time, and no less importantly - they can be different libido. Many people have never no one is stripped clothes in a fit of passion - simply because such a passion experienced. The lack of strong passions is not talking about a relationship, but only about temperament partners.

Generally, people choose partners according to their temperament, but a variety of media to impose specific ideas about what should be the sexual life of couples. Ignore any stereotypes replicated media. If you have enough sex with a partner once a week, you do not like in the heat of passion to tear clothes and breaking furniture - everything is fine with you. Enjoy the slow, gentle and calm lovemaking that you like. Do what fits your sexual temperament, as is often the problem starts in sex because of what people are trying to fit a certain conception of the rules in force in spite of his libido - the result of these experiments on himself is unlikely to please you.


Give a figure in the order

A significant portion of adults of both sexes - and their percentage from year to year increases - overweight or obese. "Suffering" in this case - just a figure of speech, because many people believe that the appearance of extra kilos with age - is the norm, and do nothing to get rid of them. Yes, many times sitting on a diet and engaged in fitness, but to lose weight and maintain weight, you need to change the way of life and really a lot of work on themselves. Remember, the body of excess weight is not sexy - someone such words may seem harsh, but they are valid. In addition, overweight and especially obesity - it's just bad for your health. The slender, lithe figure will help to diversify sex life much better than any erotic lingerie. By the way, it is much better lingerie looks to tighten the body.


Change Style

New hairstyle, hair color Hair: structure, characteristics of growth and development  Hair: structure, characteristics of growth and development
   and style of clothing is very excited and create the illusion of having sex with a new partner (yes, men fantasize about other women, and there is nothing wrong - in the end, sometimes you also want to become someone else, not him, but it does not You think that change itself). Men also should pay attention to their appearance: a minimum of clothing should always be neat and clean, even when you are at home - remember, women do not excite men stretched sweat pants and T-shirts from the series "on the street in a not to go, but Housing will come. "


Select from home

Embark on a journey and have sex in a hotel or in nature; please park on the side of the road and engage in sex in the car, alone in the garage - any change of scenery helps ignite the passion.


Create the mood throughout the day

Sex does not begin from the moment when you go into the bedroom, but much earlier - with a light dinner by candlelight, soft music, passing gentle touch while you are watching TV or working with children. You can start even earlier, for example, in the morning to tell her husband that you are going to do with him in the evening - no doubt, he would think about it during the day. As an option - send your favorite email or SMS with an offer to have sex in the evening; You can add your message in the exciting details, that he was looking forward to the moment when you will be alone.


Do not ask and do

If you want to try a new position or a new kind of caresses - make this such a wonderful variety of experiments sex life. Only one condition: do not ask a partner in advance, if he wants to try it. According to psychologists, as well as confessions of men talk about sex (except for so-called "dirty talk" - but that's another story) weakens the excitement. But it is very exciting, when the lady suddenly in bed does something unusual and new. Here, of course, it is important to clearly understand what is acceptable, and that - no, for example, if you have never engaged in BDSM without warning whip lash partner would be extremely unwise.


Use the moment in the absence of children

Send your children to their parents on a weekend or even a couple of weeks, if you start a vacation. Do this regularly: children useful to change the situation, the parents certainly nice to see the grandchildren, and you need only to stay together. Do not waste your time - as long as no children, you can have sex, not only at night but in the morning, before breakfast, and instead of it, and it can be done anywhere, from the bedroom to the kitchen and hallway.


Buy and wear beautiful clothes

Many women who have been married for a long time, prefer to buy a simple, practical clothes, which, of course, it is convenient, but it does not excite men. Other women from time to time buy beautiful lace underwear, but it is in the closet, waiting for any special occasion. Wear it as often as possible, and regularly buy new underwear. Let your husband like coincidence to see you in your underwear in the morning, when you go to work, go to sleep not in pajamas and ruffled shirt, from time to time wear stockings instead of pantyhose, men dream of a beautiful woman in erotic lingerie, and will be fine, if you can become the embodiment of that dream.


Do not be afraid to experiment

If you both want to try something unconventional, for example, or BDSM threesome, do not need to hide from each other their desires. Calmly talk about it, and if you both agree to the experiment - act. Mutual agreement in this case is of fundamental importance. No need to settle for something that is completely contrary to your principles. This is especially true when sex invite third parties: in couples where both partners are comfortable with such experiments, it becomes just another pleasant entertainment, but if one partner is against it, but inferior to another, is more likely as the protracted conflict and separation Parting: punctuation rules  Parting: punctuation rules
 . So try new things, but always remember the feelings of the partner.

Read more Advice

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