• How to kiss: with feeling, tact arrangement
  • With girl
  • How to learn
  • French
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  • First kiss
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  • With tongue
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  • On the lips
  • With a guy

 How to Kiss

How to kiss a girl: a personal experience

I love kissing. This simple act brings, like no other. Lightly press down on the lips, a little suck them playfully biting deeply penetrating tongue in her mouth partner and suspended ... good kiss is like jazz: improvisation is, interweaving melodies and shameless teasing staccato crescendo. Kiss - Kiss good - creates a special rapport on a physical level as sex, but more erotic.

Many women do not realize it. I am surprised how often they see only a kiss as the first step on the way to something better. With such a woman, I feel like a connoisseur of music, suddenly discovered that his friend's bad taste. Gets a choice: give up, or teach? If you teach them how to do it without hurting?

My first relationship with a girl were unsuccessful. We were 14 years old, went to the end of our second date. She tilted her head to one side, raised his open lips to mine and using a combination of moisture and suction created airlock. And then there was her tongue. With eyes closed, I could easily imagine an eel or a water snake, or maybe even a tapeworm, which tends to get me in the throat slips here and there, sometimes retreating, only to attack again. I tried to stop it with his tongue, but she circled around him and pushed him back. It became difficult to breathe. I became a reflexive grab for breath. What is really there to kiss ...

 How to kiss: with feeling, tact arrangement - With a girl

Kiss - a conversation

In fact, in the energetic movements of the tongue there is nothing wrong, but if your partner did not ask for it, your actions will be more frightening than exciting. That girl I did not even call to say that we no longer see: decided that everything is clear after I nearly choked her.

But I soon realized that the humble status of the teenager does not provide more options. It turned out that even some stunning girls kissing absolutely terrible. I had to learn them. The instigator of these instructions was my first girl and already I was lucky, my gold standard in regard to kissing. For a guy on the first date First date: everything is just beginning  First date: everything is just beginning
   that our kiss was just a miracle. I was terribly nervous when we came in the door of her house. Hands sweating (as touch her these wet hands?), Until I suddenly realized that I was absurdly lanky (as kiss her without bending foolishly and clumsily?) In general, I began to doubt that I generally costs trying to kiss her.

But she looked at all the easier. She took my hands, joined them behind him (as she could?), Stood on tiptoe and pressed her bottom lip to the gap between my lips (I did not even realize they open up), and slowly, carefully climb into the mouth of my upper lip until I came out of his stupor and could not answer her.

A few days later, I really thought, and realized that kiss. Especially pronounced in the memory, even more clearly than her supple lips, it was my own pride. Despite his adolescent awkwardness, there was a feeling that I've done - or not say - correctly and even excellent.

 How to kiss: with feeling, tact arrangement - With a girl

When you kiss someone who really knows how to do this, you also start to feel the master of kisses

The lesson for those who want to teach someone to kiss: teach, not implying that there is something wrong. Generally, it's better your unsuspecting students think that is what they teach you.

The most common mistake - "too French" kiss, a kiss that is the excessive use of language. Those who do so, simply do not know what can be done differently; they confused gross penetration with passion.

In this case, firstly, the need to meet the same French kiss. If you call your partner uncomfortable, he never corrected. So Accompany him, changing the direction of movements of the tongue, to maintain the appearance of voluntary movements.

Then, before the monotony starts to bother, go to the Bay: one of the ... Perhaps, it is better to choose the one that is full. Focus on one lip, and you will have many options at once: just suck it; kissing alternately upper and lower lips; transitions to a deep French kiss and tantalizing retreat; gentle biting. Miracle kiss that as soon as there is contact, a partner who has a shred of creativity to find a lot of opportunities for improvisation and combining different techniques. All you need - to reward a partner worthy of a response.

The main principle, which is more important than any individual techniques: if the partner is a bad kisser, you need to awaken his creativity

My biggest victory in this area - my current girlfriend. It was not an easy task. When we met, she did not like kissing. She believed that there is something false. If two such passion, she said, why did not immediately get naked? Becoming happy object of her passion, I do not really argue. At first. I tried to understand how even possible that someone did not like kissing.

I was surprised to discover that Sarah's a lot to do with a lover "too French" kisses of my memories. For them, the kiss was just a way to hint at sex, so the movement of the lips and tongue trying to roughly simulate intercourse. For people like Sarah did not kiss was particularly important. As a result of those and others can not see the enormous opportunities that it provides.

Meanwhile, if you realize its full potential, the kiss becomes an alternative language in which lovers continue to talk with each other: they tease, talk, learn, come to an agreement. From this part of the communication Sarah not going well. However, with a playful, sexy kiss she was all right - she liked kisses that were only a part of the love of the game and no more.

For a couple who at the beginning of the relationship safely skip the first step and immediately moved to the second, any awkwardness may seem strange. But the body is a pretty blunt instrument through which easily give vent to their passion for new love. On a more emotional and delicate area where an important role is played by mouth, Sarah was a modest and inexperienced girl.

Some time later, our kisses became longer. Sarah began to appreciate the ability to kiss involves more than talk, to express feelings of love which can not be said directly. It has become a creative approach to the kiss, as I am. And as I became a great lover - and a true master - kisses.

Read more How to learn

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