• How to kiss: with feeling, tact arrangement
  • With girl
  • How to learn
  • French
  • For the first time
  • First kiss
  • What to do during a kiss
  • Ideas for Dates
  • How to kiss, to want more
  • What is a kiss?
  • Types of kisses
  • With tongue
  • Passionately
  • On the lips
  • With a guy

 how to kiss with tongue

How to kiss with tongue

One of the manifestations of human sensuality is a kiss that can be very gentle and can be strong, passionate and incredibly exciting. Culture of different countries and different religions interpret this surprising act differently. Over time, the idea of ​​when and how to kiss and varied, and sometimes very significantly. The second half of the last century marked the beginning of the sexual revolution around the world, change the way people all manifestations of sexual life. For example, how to kiss with tongue well known in India for hundreds of years, and in some countries still do not know. Kiss - a sexy foreplay, and quite pleasant and romantic.

 How to kiss: with feeling, tact arrangement - C language

French kiss. How to do it right?

First of all, about the varieties of such kisses.

  • French Kiss

Language gently and sensually touches her lips, making thus slow movements, as if caressing them. Then, short and very light kiss on the lips, face and neck. Sami touch made with small breaks to look partner in the eye and to conclude that, like it or not. Hands usually perform as a light touch to the face neck and chest. The duration may be any important not to overdo it and just move on to more intimate activities, or stop.

  • German Kiss

The same delicate and sensual. Language partners in this, not just caress her lips, but also easy to touch, from the tip, then venturing a little on the surface. During touches not change the strength and pace. This will make the kiss more "hot." Thus movements of the tongue can be translational and circular, and any other. The main thing to look carefully the behavior of a partner, try to feel for breathing, body movement, when there is excitement. It is pertinent easy "game" touching hands, stroking his chest and middle back called female feline place. Everything is done very slowly, as long as there is a desire for something more.

  • Indian Kiss

The most passionate, with strong movements and tongue in my mouth penetration partner kiss. Its peculiarity is that it has to occur when the passion and excitement already "on the brink" and, of course, if you like both. This active role of the man, he caresses a woman language, which can meet the light sucking his tongue or light interpenetration. The first time it is better to try with a more experienced partner, and never should move fine line between passion and flagrant manifestations zasovyvaniem his tongue as deep as possible.

 How to kiss: with feeling, tact arrangement - C language

Why do I need a kiss, and even with the language?

The fact that the lips and mouth, women can be considered a solid erogenous zone, and any touch to these places is very excited, of course, if it makes a welcome man. Kissing love almost all women. So skillful kiss with tongue can deliver a lot of fun girl and subsequent intimacy is very bright.

The basic rules to be followed during a kiss with tongue

  • Focus on the behavior of the partner should be the maximum. If something does not like it, then you should immediately pause.
  • Required alternation with a kiss on the lips.
  • Behavior and breathing women are a reflection of its condition. If she likes everything, and it is excited, it will get stronger embrace amplified breathing and he will kiss a hot and passionate.
  • French kiss should start immediately, and follow the light kisses on the lips. It is a kind of mini prelude.
  • It should be remembered that the girl gets maximum enjoyment from the kiss, and the guy largely on its growing sexuality and arousal.
  • And, most importantly, the kiss should not be very long and safe, with no bites.

Separation of kissing with tongue three types of probation. Very well, when all options are used. And in general kiss - it is intimate, and we must treat it carefully and carefully.

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