bring back the romance relationship
 Often, in order to maintain the relationship, we have to make an effort. But these efforts are rewarded handsomely when we catch on itself amorous glance of admiration. There are a few tips to help women return to the romance in a relationship with the second half.

 How to restore the romance in a relationship: a few tips for women

  • Prepare a romantic dinner Romantic dinner: the feast of love for two  Romantic dinner: the feast of love for two
 To include in the menu of your favorite dishes man. This will not only demonstrate your culinary talents, and show that you care about him and are willing to do something for him. Moreover, it's a great excuse to spend time together.
  • Listen carefully as he shares with you your desires, fears and memories. Ask questions, demonstrate the interest of (it must be sincere). So you better know what can impress him.
  • Enclose notes wherever he can find them. It may be romantic messages, declarations of love Declarations of love - a cherished phrase  Declarations of love - a cherished phrase
 Funny phrases, lines from songs or aphorisms about love. Finding a note, it always remember you and will look forward to your next meeting.
  • Create a romantic atmosphere: light the scented candles or turn on the dim light, use essential oils to your man feel loved and welcome.
  • Unknown to him organize a trip or a sightseeing tour in his favorite place. Carefully plan everything to the smallest detail. Men will love this surprise, and the effort you have made to his organization, he was flattered.
  • Play with him in a game of "truth-or-challenge": the participant selects one of two things: either an honest answer to the question ("truth"), or the wish of the other party ("call").
  • Develop your own secret language, comprehensible only to the two of you, and use it in front of strangers. With this code the language, you can say to each other "I love you", "You look great," "I want to kiss you," "I want to stay with you together."
  • Occasionally behave carelessly in his presence. This will remove the tensions and create the right romantic mood. Man realizes that in his presence you feel comfortable enough to be herself. This trust - an excellent foundation for a long-term intimate relationships.
  • Make him a compliment. Men like compliments no less than women. Pay attention to the little things and praise him for all that is worthy of praise. Even if he did not respond and did not show their attitude, no doubt - Compliment Compliments  Compliments
   I did not go unnoticed.

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