How well prepared in photos
 There are universal rules that must be followed whenever you take a picture or just go to a crowded place. First of all, you need to make sure that you look good: Hair Hair: structure, characteristics of growth and development  Hair: structure, characteristics of growth and development
   washed and neatly stacked, leather and clothing clean. If you do not take care of yourself, you'll never be good at it in the photo, no matter what you were doing. Then comes to understand why you are not very good in the photographs, because we know that we're not talking in beauty. Maybe you have an unnatural smile, or you're ashamed of their appearance or select an unsuccessful clothes? Identify the problem, you can fix it.

 How well prepared on the photos: pay attention to the little things

Council №1: how to appear slimmer

This technique is widely used by Hollywood celebrities and world famous model; They always appear perfectly, no matter at what angle they are removed. Well, you too can achieve this effect. Only need to take the correct posture. Stand up straight with your feet shoulder width apart (this posture should be natural for you, so do not try too much). Set one foot slightly forward (about a half-step). The right leg or left - is not important, but remember that most people have a photogenic and inphotogenic side, so try to show their best side (literally). Turn the foot in front of about 45 degrees and stand so that the legs are on the same line. So now you are deployed to the camera half-turned, but your face when it is completely visible. You seem to be slim and fit.

 How well prepared on the photos: pay attention to the little things

Council №2: how to smile naturally

It's a simple trick, but it absolutely works. To the photos your smile look natural, it is necessary ... to laugh. Sincere laugh - the key to a natural smile. Posing for the camera, try to relax and remember your favorite anecdote, but if the group picture, tell anecdote aloud.

 How well prepared on the photos: pay attention to the little things

Council №3: how to look beautiful

To capture an image, select colored clothes. Against the background of a black and white color scheme, regardless of the tone of your skin, you will look dull and lifeless. If you have fair skin pinkish shade, choose cool colors: blue, light blue, purple, and others. Those with dark skin, suit warm shades of red, dark green, burgundy. Also remember that clothes must be monochromatic, no prints, patterns and excessive decoration - all this distracting and often looks clumsy.

 How well prepared on the photos: pay attention to the little things

Council №4: how to achieve the perfect posture

Another simple, but very useful advice. To achieve this impossible ideal posture, you just need to get up so that the legs, shoulders and ears are on the same imaginary line. The results will surprise you.

 How well prepared on the photos: pay attention to the little things

Council №5: Miscellaneous

Try not to be photographed with too bright light. Do not stand against the window in the afternoon when the sun is shining; from the back to the light, you will look pale and unhealthy.

By the way, about the coverage: always try to shoot in natural lighting. The most appropriate for the shooting of light is in the morning and evening when the sun is low, and its rays directly illuminate the face (a light hide skin blemishes and help avoid shadows).

Finally, just before the release the shutter as a photographer, slightly pinch your cheeks to give them a natural glow. In this case, the color entity aligned becomes healthier.

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