Meaning of moles on the lip
 It is no secret that the mole Moles:: tags fate or bombs?  Moles:: tags fate or bombs?
   sometimes they are real decoration face, emphasizing the individuality of the person and giving it a special charm. But the mole - not just a lovely part of the image, but also a source of information about a person. Properly decipher the meaning of moles Meaning of moles - the mysterious handwriting on the human body  Meaning of moles - the mysterious handwriting on the human body
   above the lip or cheek, you can learn about many interesting things of their respective owners.

 Meaning of moles on the lip: the charm and guile

The secret of attraction

Moles on your face always attract attention, if the birthmark is a graceful close to your mouth, it will inevitably attract glances to his lips. Maybe that's why a mole on his upper lip, or in the corner of his mouth are considered as sexy. But once the piquant detail was considered defective appearance. For example, it is known that a small mole on her upper lip was a serious obstacle to the famous supermodel Cindy Crawford to fame. Belle excitedly urged to delete this spot, but Cindy was hard and made the right decision: this charming mole helped its owner bring to mind many men.

And in the 18th century charmer is not only to remove moles, but also stuck on the face of the artificial "flies", carved out of black cloth. There was even a kind of language, "flies" - for example, an artificial mole on his cheek stood for consent, and pasted on the upper lip - foreshadowed separation. Over time, these decorations have fallen into disuse, but the natural owner of moles and to this day continue to emphasize these ornaments.

 Meaning of moles on the lip: the charm and guile

What to tell a mole

A woman with a charming mole above his lip and want to indulge, so it is not surprising that the holders of such moles are of very capricious and flighty character. These ladies deftly manipulated by others, urging them to want. Birthmark on the right side of the upper lip - a sign of deceit and cruelty. These moles often have shrewd and cynical vamp who are cunning and power. Typically, these ladies easily dominate the men.

The owner of a mole on the right upper lip are not usually focused on the family, it does not seek to be a faithful wife and loving mother, but easily achieves a high position in society and successfully making a career.

If the birthmark is on the left upper lip, its possessor distinguished cheerful disposition. Such women are frivolous, they like to dress and decoration. They are very flirtatious and extremely attractive to men, but quite superficial. These ladies often choose the role of a mistress and not his wife: they like to swim in the men's attention, but to be free from everyday worries. However, of these women over time, they make great mother, idolize their children.

If a mole is located in the center of the upper lip, in the hole, it also says that it is committed to the independence of the owner. Subdue a woman can not be: it will always do just what he wants, no one obeyed.

Sometimes a mole above her lip decorated and male faces. Such men are very determined, and for the sake of their purpose, they are willing to give up many pleasures. These natural leaders tend to be first in everything, but they are quite generous and decent. If a mole is located in the center of the upper lip under the nose, a man can long remain celibate. These people most value their independence, and very painfully react to someone else's encroachment on their freedom. Even if we manage to persuade this man to marriage, henpecked, he still will never become: his freedom-loving nature is unable to obey someone else will.

If a mole is located in the corner of the lips, it says about sexuality of its owner. Birthmark on the right corner of the mouth - an indication that the person is in need of love.

Pretty rare mole can be located directly on the border of lips. This mole indicates a weak will, suspiciousness and irresponsibility.

Maria Bykov

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