• Meaning of moles - the mysterious handwriting on the human body
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All this nonsense! I have hundreds of moles, can all check marks - none coincided !!! Apart from the shape of moles! Birthmark in the shape of stars, really did not bring anything good, but still on the left chest, very beautiful, but dangerous - to remove, life has become easier and more fun! :-))) Good luck to all!
and I have a mole on his left index finger and the heel with the same side on the left, just on the right palm at the intersection of two lines short wrist approximately two centimeters. it has not previously bylo.Krupnaya mole on the top of the cheekbones, the same on the left storone.Tak the spine on the left side of the abdomen are three. from the first to the second centimeter and from the second to the third 2, 5sm.No most of all I intiresno birthmark that hand.
Wheeling quote:
mole on the fingers I have heard is a small penchant for petty theft on his stomach in the upper part then the propensity to alcohol what moles breed which means that the body which is the problem of this appear birthmarks need to look arrangement only those moles and their meanings that emerged from birth and not those that occur later in life. Moles can be removed probably need to consult a surgeon
  And I think that from the moment you remove the mole is removed from your life or that, just as when to apply them on this telo.Po and life changing with the advent of new rodinok.Hotya this is only my opinion.
mole on the fingers I have heard is a small penchant for petty theft on his stomach in the upper part then the propensity to alcohol what moles breed which means that the body which is the problem of this appear birthmarks need to look arrangement only those moles and their meanings that emerged from birth and not those that occur later in life. Moles can be removed probably need to consult a surgeon
Complete nonsense)) and the main all right birthmarks become vvide triangles: D ... I've got too much ... but they are round))) triangles, hearts and all the other nonsense there will intresno if someone finds a giraffe vvide or because the roses ... It is also interesting to learn how to determine the nature and destiny of the location of a particular mole ... Hmm..luchshe looking constellation of moles on the body)))
Now I have a mole on the body of the child and not one has not changed and no one dobavilas..I facial birthmark on the right eyebrow, and I rany schaslivy brak.Tak I believe ..)
I'm on the right hand 5 moles form a cross, but the cross as a Bible that we wear around the neck on tsepochka..Potomu that two moles which form a cross and are closer to the top and completely at the same height ... so it turns as a church krestik..Vot thread who can explain the meaning or explain?
I am sure that the birthmark as a sign that in some way characterizes the person and determine his fate, but not sure of interpreting the meaning of this and similar sites ... and at all sites different and sometimes opposite!
I strewn with moles, more than anything litse.I whatever part of the body called, not without moles oboytis.S years of more, but I only 26.Tak now, afraid of oncology, any predictions? Erunda.Odno glad that I do not live in medieval times, or be burned as a witch.
I have moles, but in the face and neck, about 50 (!), And every year are born novye.Smotryatsya very cute and so many leaves no ravnodushnym.Medobsledovaniya not confirmed any such holders patologii.No kollichestva moles everywhere and anywhere in all imaginable and unimaginable places throughout the body, I'm just not so vstrechala.I occasion would like to find at least some explanation for this factor.
If moles treugolinik form, square or oval, it's a good sign (especially the triangle) .Huzhe just when moles form a cross. Much luck bring large moles with hairs.
Yes, it's a mole marks the message as a seal want to understand. They carry a certain kind of information. If a mole in your family and are transmitted in one tomzhe location, then it is said that your race does not cope with the problem of a family and each sign is reflected in a mole. Consider the events of his family of his actions. If you notice a mole disappeared or blanched you that do this to a family that dealt with the eternal problems (eg dragged the family out of poverty, that dovas only dreamed of your relatives, or help someone that is not very much to you, but to sort it means) do good deeds and do not pass by the signs of destiny. In some case remove. if not burghers of honey. indication. it's bad Love your zaniki and they will bring happiness. I am convinced of this.
With age, breed and birthmarks venshny kind of change. What does that mean?
Do not believe what is written on the forum. Do you have a mole or not, they do not have a serious impact on a person's fate. It all depends on your soul. And from her keys no!
And the truth is, if so many and contradictory, how do you know? on my face and the entire body of a huge number of moles
Yes, the same. I, too, went up almost everything beneath it that mean? but it can get portivorechivo
I have three moles on his stomach are depicted in the form of an isosceles triangle. Most moles on my torso there. And on the back of a large mole and a number of another, but only a little. What could it mean. I was very interested in my birthmark shaped like a triangle. Maybe it's a secret sign? Thank you.
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