pick-up for girls
 Times have changed: for women has long been considered indecent itself take the initiative in getting acquainted with a man, but women continue to repeatedly make mistakes that often lead to loneliness Loneliness - this is not new, or why am I still alone?  Loneliness - this is not new, or why am I still alone?
   delayed and reduced self-esteem. How to avoid mistakes that produce experts studying the pickup for the girls?


Error №1: Bring your bad mood club, bar, restaurant

If you have a bad mood, you have two options: stay at home, or bring himself to smile and have fun, no matter what. If both options do not suit you, do not count on the good acquaintance with the man. People come to the clubs and bars, to temporarily forget about the problems, and not to look at the unhappy faces around and listen to someone's complaint. A woman who has written on his face, that her mood is poor, that she was bored or tired of it, does not cause the desire to meet and spend the evening together. Men do not want to listen to stories about the problems at work, quarrels with relatives or friends. They want to have fun, and pay attention to the women who smile, actively communicate, not waiting for someone starts to entertain them.

If it turned out that before going to a club or a party in your soul scratching cats and you are angry at the whole world, instead of spending two hours on the make-up and hairstyle, set aside enough time to be alone and to bring their thoughts in order . Tune in on the fun, meet new people, smile at yourself in the mirror and have to smile turned genuine. Be honest with yourself: if tonight you want to meet a man, admit it. This will help you to create the right mood and the right attitude all masters pickup devote special attention.


Error №2. Dress as a worker of the sex industry

There is nothing wrong with striving to look attractive and sexy, but it is very important to know the measure .  Dvenadtsatisantimetrovye studs, combined with mini-skirts, short tops with plunging necklines or tight-fitting body dresses, barely covering the buttocks - even if you have these things, it is better to leave the house .  However, shoes heels worn dizzying heights is possible, but not in combination with revealing clothes, and only on the condition that you are able to walk on them .  After reading this, you probably remember the girls who dress very plainly, and not in a club do not remain without attention of men .  But try to remember and which ones men are attracted to these girls and think about whether you need such men .  The objective of the pickup for the girls, as a rule, not one night stands (for them it is not necessary to resort to a special trick - very deep neckline is enough to attract attention, and hold together with the pleasant man a few pleasant hours), and a consistent, unhurried seducing men and possibly a serious relationship in the future .

In most cases, it is the best clothes, which opens about 25% of the body. So you will not look like a prude, but not many others show that the imagination is simply no room. More outdoor clothing is allowed in very hot weather.

A few examples are not very open but very private outfits: red silk skirt average length just above the knee or to the middle of the ankle with a black lace topom; jeans (they have to sit on you perfectly) in combination with a light blouse from translucent fabric, under which you can wear lace corset Fashion Corset: new return of the Victorian era  Fashion Corset: new return of the Victorian era
 ; simple black trousers with a classic white shirt - that such a combination does not look very strict, you can wrap up the sleeves and unbutton the top couple of buttons.


Error №3. Improper use of body language

To a man dared to approach you, it should see some signs of interest .  For starters, remember the basic rule: Do not cross your arms (even if you are cold), do not apply pressure to the bar, and do not bow to the table .  Such postures men subconsciously perceived as a sign that a woman is to be open to dialogue, and does not want to be bothered .  Sitting on high stools at the bar, especially difficult to maintain an "open" position with your back straight and slightly leaning back, but try to be - such a posture will significantly increase the likelihood that this evening you are waiting for a pleasant acquaintance .  In addition, it is not necessary to watch the evening in a glass or, even worse, on the screen of your phone or other electronic device .  Take a look around and look for objects that interest you - that is, men .  If you see an attractive man, for a few seconds look him in the eye, look away again briefly look into the eyes .  If a man is ready to make new acquaintances, a few views in most cases, help him decide and go to the woman who drew attention to it - of course, provided that she had also something caught .  One of the basic rules of pickup Terms pickup: gently but with persistence  Terms pickup: gently but with persistence
   for girls it is very simple and complex at the same time: take the initiative. It is not necessary to approach the man and tie a conversation with him, but you need some way to let him know that you like it. The easiest way to do this with the help of body language.


Error №4. Extremely cold

By not very understandable reasons, women who have managed to attract the attention of men, at some point begin to behave cold and detached .  As soon as she smiled at him and cheerfully chatted with him, and now he is trying to pretend that a man she did not care, and often starts to say that waiting for her friends, and generally too late and she needs to go .  Usually, women believe that they should not be too quick to show a clear sympathy for the man that does not seem very accessible .  Therefore, they often behave in the manner described above, although in my heart want a man to convince them to stay and to continue dialogue .  How does it look from the perspective of a man? At first, he looked in the eye, smile, and make it clear that he pretty woman; then it cute talking for some time, and then the woman somehow abruptly changed the mood, although everything seems to be going well .  A man can write off this behavior for some women's whims, and will not make an effort to convince you not to go .  Be consistent: if you like a man, you meet, and he did not disappoint you, do not need to play in the cold - be yourself and enjoy communication .  If you really have to go (or, if a man does not live up to expectations), tell me what you really do not want to leave, and thank you for a nice evening .


Error №5. Greed

Here we are not talking about money, but about the men's attention. Some women tend to attract the attention of several men, often dealing with one, continue to gaze at the other. Do not humiliate such conduct himself or a man with whom talking. If you start to chat with a man, give him your undivided attention; if you somehow do not like, politely hang up, and only then try to draw the attention of another man. Attempts to flirt with several men from one company and do not lead to good results. Friends prefer to remain friends and not fight for the attention of a girl, so if you get to know right now men can communicate with everyone, but you can flirt with a single - or anyone.


Error №6. Talking about marriage and children

Spoke on the subject is not the first, even if you're with a man in a relationship for several years - it is better to wait until he does it himself. At the beginning of dating marriage and children - is strictly prohibited subject. Even if a man talks about it, answer in monosyllables, and without enthusiasm that even men who are looking for a serious relationship, usually scare women who passionately desire to get married and have children. Talk about abstract topics, tell us a little about your hobbies and travel, read about the latest books and watched movies, but not to raise the issue of possible future together.

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