• Pizza: features Italian cuisine
  • Dough
  • Italian pizza dough
  • Thin crust
  • Yeast dough
  • Puff dough
  • Fresh dough
  • Dough on kefir
  • Cottage cheese pastry

 Pizza: features Italian cuisine
 It is believed that as it is the national cuisine of Italy in a deep understanding of the topic does not exist. But not for lovers of Italian cuisine Italian Cuisine  Italian Cuisine
   - Rich, fragrant, passionate and tart - they are convinced that it contains some of the most useful, and a variety of delicious dishes in the world.

And special colors of gives it the fact that in each province dishes are prepared in different ways. Perhaps because the Italians do not like monotony, but honored tradition, so a variety of pizza recipes alone is unusually wide. At the heart of its preparation and recipes is sure - the presence of fresh Mediterranean products and the centuries-old principles developed under the influence of ethnic cultures, ever inhabited Italy.

 Pizza: features Italian cuisine

History of bread plates

The centuries-old history, as if woven patterns on the canvas, woven from different threads, so that's not always possible to accurately answer a variety of questions and, in particular, who originated the idea of ​​the oven cakes, which subsequently became a pizza. Her baked by the ancient Egyptians, they also came up with yeast and kneading the dough on it. The ancient Greeks called the same bread "bowl" plakuntos and prepared in the same manner as all the inhabitants of the Mediterranean, spreading raw dough vegetables, herbs, cheese and pekaya on coals. The ancient Romans made cooking flat bread, calling him «placenta», more creative, bringing the recipe to a wider range of products, thus diversifying its taste.

Cakes of dough, replacing plates, filling the open for a long time were the food of the poor. Occurrence in Europe in the 16th century, tomatoes can now be considered the beginning of the era of the pizza as we know it. Imported from America red berries relished Neapolitan peasants, and they began to prepare the tortillas with olive oil, bacon and these delicious tomatoes. In the 17th century there was already a profession bakers - pizzaioli, they prepared cake with anchovies, baked on coals, and they sold the sailors. Special furnaces were invented a little later, thanks to the wife of the King of Naples, for the royal court.

 Pizza: features Italian cuisine

Modern Pizza - Pizza International

Traditional modern pizza - it is the result of the universal recognition and inexhaustible love for her those who prepare and those who eat it. It is constantly improving culinary invention of the usual set of products. Pizza used today: all kinds of vegetables, herbs and spices, fruits, liqueurs, mushrooms, almonds, seafood, beef or pork, rice and, of course, olives, olive oil and the famous Italian cheeses.

Today, pizza is definitely a delicacy - it is not flat cake and flan, but, of course, olive oil and cheese.

But the classic Italian pizza remains popular to this day. For example, "Margarita» (Pizza Margherita), according to the legend, became famous in the 19th century. It is said that its creator Neapolitan chef Pappino Brandi, who's birthday baked pizza Margherita of Savoy, decorating it as a flag red, white and green colors used accordingly - red tomatoes, mozzarella and basil. Incidentally, the letter received from the master of the king can be seen today in the pizzeria of his family "Brandi".

Interestingly, the popular classic Italian pizza Pizza in Italy   many names and all of them are very famous around the world - "Capriccioso", "Four Cheese" and "Four Seasons", "diabolo", "roman", "Neapolitan" and many others. A true Italian pizza is a strictly defined criteria that govern DOC - The pizza should be prepared only with hands, as in centuries past, and baked in the wood a special oven at 200 degrees.

Pizzas have long received international recognition. For example, everyone knows that this American pizza - it means pizza for yeast dough Yeast dough  Yeast dough
 With high edges, so that it fits a lot of toppings. Hawaiian pizza is very spicy, exotic flavor (and not otherwise), thanks to the sausage and pineapple in the composition. Italians have it, by the way, do not recognize, rightly believing that pizza should be prepared only from natural and fresh products.

Among other amazing Japanese pizza "okonomiyaki". It has a pronounced national preferences and the principle of cooking reminds the Russian pancakes with full sun or scrambled eggs. Pizza Japanese is a fried pancake with meat or seafood drizzled with tonkatsu sauce with mayonnaise and sprinkle shavings of dried seaweed and tuna, which moves on a hot pizza, which creates a very vivid impression.

Pizza, which came up with the Japanese, is very reminiscent of the classic Italian pizza, but also, like all Japanese, not like a European. At the same time, it kept main principle - "okonomiyaki" translates as "fire away all that I want." Apparently, ancient Mediterraneans were of the same opinion when preparing their cakes with vegetables and cheese.

Read more Dough

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