• Search outside: caution can not hurt
  • Advantages and disadvantages

 Looking to the street
 Until a few decades ago acquaintance on the street considered something quite obscene. But time passes, and modern women consider themselves above such conventions. Street - this is just one of the places where you can meet his destiny, and it is not necessary to ignore the proposal dating from the nice man just because he chose this place and not another.

 Search outside: caution can not hurt

Better not

Opponents of street acquaintances like to point out that in this situation there is a risk to meet a man at least rude, and sometimes inadequate. Of course, this does not mean that any man who wants to know the name of the girl you like - a maniac, but still caution can not hurt. It should be soft to avoid getting to know people who are in a state of alcohol or drugs, behaving provocatively, or just as something strange. Even if a person makes a good impression How to make a good first impression: a work on the  How to make a good first impression: a work on the
 , Do not agree to walk with him through the deserted park or dense forest. And if a sudden passion covered both go home to a stranger, and even more so to invite - a very risky option.

Even if one looks nice and adequate, do not immediately open his soul and give your home phone number and address. Unfortunately, no decent clothes, no good perfume or refined manners do not guarantee a decent man. Therefore, if you wish, you can share your mobile phone number, but do not tell the whole story about yourself.

At street acquaintance rather large risk of running into a pick up artist, that is, the young man, whose acquaintance with the girl - a kind of sport. These men are very attractive and sociable, but are not interested in long-term relationships: their goal - a flirtation Flirting - this is serious  Flirting - this is serious
   or one-time sex. With them it is possible to chat and flirt, but expect a serious novel is not necessary. Hardly configured for a serious relationship a man, dating from the first minutes trying to hug her and familiarly called her "Zaikov" or "baby".

 Search outside: caution can not hurt

Why no?

Many still consider dating outside in bad taste. But the chance to meet with the pleasant man again, in a more suitable environment for exploring, disappointingly small. Therefore, if a man seems attractive enough, it is quite possible to exchange them with mobile phone numbers.

Traditionally, the initiative must be acquainted with the man. But the girls are not in vain for centuries honing the art to attract the attention of boys. Not necessarily forced to hand over an unsuspecting man her phone number in most cases enough to catch his eye and smile. If a man is set up to explore, he perceive a smile as the promotion of their intentions and move to action. If he still does not dare to explore, you can go for more action.

For example, you can use the old way to start a conversation by asking what time it is or how to get to the library. If a man is willing to support a conversation, you can even exchange a few words, while smiling encouragingly. But if the man said although polite, but monosyllabic likely, street dating is not part of his plans.

The films are often people get acquainted, literally facing the street. To bring this story in reality, it should be a little practice. In particular, you must make sure that at "random" collisions not injure a man liked: compres- sion legs are unlikely to contribute to the emergence of warm feelings for the girl, their surrendering. In addition, it is important that the clash seemed perfectly natural.

 Search outside: caution can not hurt

To acquaintance continued

Very often, people threw a couple of comments about the weather, just do not know what to say next. To avoid this, it is advisable to carry something that will continue the conversation. This can be looking out the bag of Chinese language textbook, tourist prospect or even a big wrench - in short, non-standard part of the image, which if desired can be happy to discuss. But the original clothing or accessory a man can hardly appreciate: as a rule, the stronger sex is not too attentive to such details.

If the image of the stranger also has some unexpected details, you can start a conversation about it. Of course, we should not discuss the physical infirmity or stained clothes, but the question about the shirt depicted in the musical group would be appropriate. Perhaps the conversation will be able to find common ground, and then the conversation goes like clockwork.

It may happen that after a short and not to non-binding talk to someone from the two do not want to continue dating. This is nobody's fault, just the people understand that they have too little to do. In such a situation it is not necessary to explain something and make excuses - just cute cavalier smile goodbye and wish you a pleasant day.

What kind of behavior when meeting makes men to abandon the idea overture? As a rule, the stronger sex discourages women commercialism, so do not right off the bat to hint at the presents and asking for money. Demonstration high requests also may not be very relevant. Do not immediately tell when meeting the man of their problems. Although it is believed that men like women to take care of the weak, the idea to take on the burden of care of the little stranger who seems attractive. Finally, do not demonstrate molestation and tactless to ask questions about the amount of income, sexual preferences and illness. It is not necessary to lay out all your secrets, tell how heavy it was parting Parting: punctuation rules  Parting: punctuation rules
   to the last man and the problems of intimate properties. Much better to smile and sincere, but unobtrusive person interested in a new acquaintance, his views and preferences.

Read more Advantages and disadvantages

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