Secrets of Seduction
 Secrets of Seduction is trying to explore every woman, hoping that she would thus be able to enchant any man. Maybe this is "not working" one hundred per cent, but on the whole, true.


Take pleasure in his eyes

Perhaps it is no secret that women in most cases dominated by visual perception, therefore all of them attracted by the beautiful, sexy dressed women with beautiful faces and slim figures. If a man says that the appearance of it - is not important, it is certainly a little disingenuous.

Well-chosen clothes can compensate for many shortcomings appearance.

No matter how good or bad your figure, to seduce a man, you should be worn attractive - it is absolutely necessary to bring about the initial interest to him. Of course, all men have different tastes, but there are some parts of the image that attracts all, without exception.

 Secrets of Seduction
 First, a truly seductive woman must look like a woman. Emphasizes the form, do not hide under the curves of figure shapeless, baggy clothes, even if it is very stylish and expensive. To please a man, you need to look feminine. If you do not meet generally accepted standards of beauty - do not worry. Remember that we have to modern standards, mostly gay fashion designers, and they have quite specific ideas about beauty. You are targeting a very different orientation of men, and they are delicious twists figure very popular, so - do not hide them.

Emphasize the main advantages of your body. If you have beautiful breasts - perfectly. Moderately deep neckline will give you a great advantage in the process of seduction. If you have a stunning legs, wear short skirts and dresses (but then without the neck), thin waist underline stylish straps or close-fitting clothes, and if you're lucky enough to have a resilient, trained buttocks, your wardrobe must be tight pants, jeans and dresses . Fan the hair, even if they get only up to the shoulders. Neat hair can look elegant and refined, even, but the flowing hair - it's really sexy (if you have short hair Short haircuts - comfortable length  Short haircuts - comfortable length
 , Do not worry - it does not hurt you to look feminine). In short, you should do everything to emphasize their femininity. In today's world, walk the streets, millions of women in jeans, sneakers, trouser business suit. Of course, it is convenient, but men are starting to get bored of femininity, and a successful seduction, it is absolutely necessary.


The deceiver of his mind

Seduction - is, in many ways, a mental process. With this need to just accept: you are wasting time and energy on makeup and choice of clothing, but the man appreciates your appearance in a split second, and then he focuses on how you speak and behave as a whole. Strictly speaking, the only reason why women who want to seduce a man, you look good, is that without this man did not show interest in it. But as soon as this will be of interest, it is time to use to entice your head - to properly act on the male brain.


Put its tasks

Everything was good, almost perfect, and that all of a sudden he's gone and now cares for another woman - these stories happen all the time. Many women in every new relationship persistently commit the same mistake - trying too hard to please a man, pay him too much attention, almost running after him, and when the man realizes that he is very important for a woman, his interest in it quickly wanes . To avoid this - tease him repellent (not too much, but it will take it seriously), do not agree on a date at any convenient time - even if you are ready to fly it through half the town with not completely dried out hair Hair: structure, characteristics of growth and development  Hair: structure, characteristics of growth and development
 And if he did not answer your call, do not call again. Let him know that you are well with it, but you can live very well without it.


Do not let us understand that you feel really

Even if at the sight of this man you breathing stops, get yourself together and did not betray his feelings. Talk to him calmly and confidently, avoid involuntary gestures (learn its track). From time to time, allow yourself to flirtation Flirting - this is serious  Flirting - this is serious
   with him, but, again, do not say anything about any serious feelings. This is, firstly, could weaken his interest in you, and secondly, many men afraid of women who start to talk about feelings too soon.


Do not give him your phone number at the first request

This recommendation should be used only if you are working on seducing men with whom you regularly Think. If you accidentally met in a bar, refusing to give his phone number, you are likely to find more of it. However, if you Think a man in the gym, in the pool or in the café business center, where you both work, will be very helpful to tease him. Do you think a man who soon will call: a girl who gave her phone number soon after they met, or the one that forced him to compete for these cherished numbers?



Do not sleep with him too soon - unless of course, the purpose of seduction for you is not sex at one time. From any rule there are exceptions, but most men are women, quickly agrees to sex, in the category of readily available, and after one night usually lose interest in them. If you give him a little time to torment and dream of you, in his eyes you will become even more seductive.

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Article Tags:
  • seduction technique
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  • How to drive him crazy - female tricks