System Fly-lady: light restoring order
   There is an amusing theory that people are exposed to maniacal pursuit of cleanliness and order, so try to compensate for the collapse in his own mind, thoughts and feelings. Unfortunately, most of us are lucky even less emotion and rage, and the apartment itself features a leg break. Condition of dwelling in which all things are in place, and the dust is said a resounding "No! "It is for women (especially women working) unattainable dream.

The American system Fly-lady aims to release the owner from the tyranny of life, told her some simple algorithms, as well - a new way of thinking. The paradox of solutions proposed by the author of Marlene Scilly, is this: do you think that you have a constant mess, because you - a terrible slob? But no, you're simply a perfectionist, unable to see the problem parts, and imagine how many hours of cleaning only happening from the first to the last speck. You do not do the minimum simply because feel obliged to do our best!

But ... Good girls go to heaven and bad - wherever they want. So with cleaning: good girls go to a psychiatric clinic, and the bad have learned a number of rules that allow to keep clean with minimal effort.

You just need to erase from his mind the postulate, which states that the cleaning, which did not lead you into a state of complete mental and physical exhaustion, it's a bad cleaning.

Get rid of it, we learn the basic techniques of fly-lady and modifying as necessary, enter into your life.

So the first rule is to take over the cleaning, only fully incorporated themselves into the proper form - dressing, make up, and even wearing shoes with heels. Change these simple self-awareness technique, substituting a failure in a robe that would dig all day, because all the same no matter what no longer suitable, business, attractive woman who sees quite feasible goal. Do not "bring the house in order", not "to become, finally, a good housewife," and "wash the dishes, vacuum, wipe the dust on the shelves," and nothing more. Quickly and efficiently.

"Boogie in 27 shots." The essence of the reception to collect and throw 27 unnecessary items. You can replace this number by 3 or 35, the main thing - to illustrate the idea: things you need to throw away! On the pages of the book and found a reasonable offer: bought a new thing, throw out or give away that she "upgrade". Get rid of the unnecessarily large number of overlapping items, leaving only the best.

"The timer for 15 minutes. Fast cleaning. " Remove often, but quickly. But we constantly fall into these traps: wiping the dust from the chest, begin to disassemble the underwear in the drawers, and examining - something to fix something ironed ... Along arranging cleaning boxes, which holds the thread-needles, in a locker, where there is an iron ... The result: a complete collapse of everything, and the dust from the chest and not be erased. Solution one: from cleaning, you should respectfully treat the proper time, and take as much as you need at one particular reasonable action.

"Routine": a standard set of morning and evening a procedure which is brought to the full automatism - lay a bed, take out the trash, and the like. Cultivate the habit of clean up after themselves quickly and immediately, not letting the dirt pile, remove the "Cleaner": always clean the house can be only when you remove yet clear, if you are already dirty, you're too late.

The system fly-lady, deeper than it seems. And there is the name not only of the word fly, «fly», but also by the abbreviation «Finally Love Yourself» - «in the end love yourself." The point system is not to ensure the purity of the house as the Sat before accidentally looking guest or in-law In-law - a hunting accident ...  In-law - a hunting accident ...
 Or food in your own head buzzer "I - a bad hostess," and to really provide you with additional comfort. Comfort clean cozy home comfort saved due to proper planning time, comfort non-perception as a cleaning sword of Damocles over the head of guilt.

The book is called "The Flying Housewife: Reflections at the kitchen sink." The kitchen sink is in the Marla Scilly - a place embodying the order, which is always kept clean. In your home it can be something else, and maybe you will find this rule too "game" and did not want to stick with it. On the other hand, has always known perfect corner in the house raises self-esteem. By the way, Marla Scilly have another book - about how to eat right to stay healthy, happy and slim. There is a possibility that is very good.

  Multiple Cyrus

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