that scares men in women
 Men by nature - the creation of a strong and bold, ready if necessary to rush into battle and to defend the weak. However, in a weak and fragile creatures - women - there are things that really scare men. Even men who are quite determined to get acquainted with a very beautiful, confident woman, often scared qualities that may be disclosed in a close dialogue with the fair sex. It is these habits and behaviors are often the reasons that the man simply disappears after a few visits, giving the woman once again to wonder - what's wrong with her?


The habit of talking about their former

One of the most common habits of female - to talk too much about his past novels at the beginning of a new relationship. Even if a man asks when you have had previous relationships and why they ended, no need to go into detail - answer short and to the point. If you are launched into a lengthy and emotional description of your finished a novel, a man can decide that you are not completely cooled down to a former lover. He would not want to become a wedge that knock out the old wedge, and constantly think about that now it must have been compared to some unknown man from the past. So, if a man asks about the previous novel, it is better to say that everything was fine, but you just do not fit together. It happens very often, and the question will be settled.


Excessive need for attention

Men's nice to know that a woman wants his attention, but everything is good in moderation. A woman who constantly calls or write SMS to know when you will meet the next time, insist on frequent visits, in spite of the tight schedule of the men, as well as the presence of his own hobbies and friends who also need attention, guaranteed to scare even the most patient, caring and understanding man.


Too frequent calls

If he wants to talk to you, he will call - it is the truth that in the age of women's emancipation has not lost its relevance. If you really want to call him once, but if he does not answer - do not call again ... and again and again. It is enough to see a missed call to call - if he wants it. When the same person calls several times in a row, this suggests that he happened something extraordinary. In such cases, you can make calls to close friends, relatives, or in the rescue service, but not the man with whom you went on a couple dates.


Too strong feelings that occur too fast

Women are not so rarely tell their friends that they are in love, after only a few dates with a man; in the worst case they are talking about this man. The feeling there is nothing wrong, but even if you are really sure that this man - the love of your life, do not have it right on this report. First, you have it know very little, and secondly, the imminent recognition of his scare, he either decides that you are so desperate that they are ready to bind the man by any means, or simply lose enthusiasm - your heart has melted, fight anymore not at all.


You are always ready to meet with him

If a man calls you in the middle of the day, offers to meet in the evening and on your evening there are no plans, agrees, but ask him next time to agree on the dates in advance, because you do not always have free evenings - so today he was lucky. If you have plans, in any case, do not change them for the sake of man: as long as you do not have a serious relationship, he should not be one of your top priorities. Women who are always ready, canceled a meeting with friends, training or courses quickly become boring for a man.


Too soon I acquainted with friends

Meeting with friends (meaning, of course, close friends) girls means that a man is "officially" become part of her life - a partner, not just a man with whom she occasionally seen. To understand whether he is ready for this, men usually require more time than women, so no need to rush things.


Excessive desire to introduce him to her parents

Ideally, you need to wait until the man himself wants to meet with your parents if relationships become really serious, he wants to be sure of this. Women who are at early stages of acquaintance rumored relationship with her parents - a terrible dream of many men. Even if a man is serious, the idea of ​​a meeting with the parents of the girl and the possible consequences of this event scares him, and the girl, from which come such a proposal is perceived as overly persistent.


Controlling behavior

Text messages several times a day with the question "where are you? "Offer to exchange passwords from mailboxes and accounts in social networks - this is a very alarming and suggests mistrust of women to men as well, with a high probability - about her disrespect. Remember that a man must always remain a private space in which he did not let anyone; encroachment on the space perceived as a personal threat, and their source, in most cases, men lose sympathy.


Talking on a date in the form of interrogation

My need to help people get to know each other, but do not yet unfamiliar man to ask questions like "How many children do you want to have? "" What are your plans for the next five years? " and so on. Of course, you should not ask about salary - man merely suspects you of commercialism.

Nobody argues with the fact that it is very important to understand whether the man your idea of ​​the perfect partner, but it does not need to arrange for questioning. Your main task in the beginning of a relationship - to find out what you like and what is different, so it is better ask him about where he grew up, he likes to have something interested, and so on.


Demonstrating a clear dislike of children and animals

Not all like children or animals, but usually it just does not say; demonstration of dislike for him could be perceived at best as callousness and lack of femininity, and at worst - as a sign of sociopathy. This does not mean that you need to smile sweetly at the sight of small children or cats; just do not complain when next to you is crying or very noisy child plays, or, for example, a dog barking. In the end, who knows - maybe in a year or two you will adore children and our younger brothers, but even if not, at least learn to be tolerant towards them.


The desire to change

No man wants to be a personal project of the woman, a kind of Galatea in a new interpretation. If you think a man has a significant potential for development, encourage it, and do not try to change it, putting pressure on him one way or another.

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