what to talk about with a girl
 It seems that to gather strength and invite a girl out on a date How to ask a girl out on a date - recommendations for action  How to ask a girl out on a date - recommendations for action
   - It is half the battle, but in reality, the most difficult thing to come. What to say to a girl on a date - this is the question that many men ignore, but in fact it is more important than where to hold a date, what to wear and how to choose perfume to make a good impression.


Do not talk about her past

First you need to firmly remember what to say should not be - on the last girl. Do not ask about her past novels on the first date First date: everything is just beginning  First date: everything is just beginning
 And better - as long as she does not talk about it (if at all will raise this issue).


Brothers and sisters

It is usually a safe topic of conversation on a date. Questions about parents can raise unpleasant topics of divorce or family quarrels Family quarrel - how to neutralize their destructive potential?  Family quarrel - how to neutralize their destructive potential?
 And brothers and sisters are commonly associated fond memories and a lot of girls happy to talk about them. Besides, the girl will be pleased that you show interest in her family.



Ask a Woman, where she went to her last vacation plans and where to go in the future. Talk about travel help learn a lot about a person: for example, there is a big difference between those who prefer a comfortable stay in five-star hotels on the sea, and those who like to climb mountains, climb the SUV or bike wherever arrives a rare tourist, camp out, to get acquainted with the local population and fearlessly try the local cuisine. Besides, if she mentions the place where it has long wanted, but still can not go, you can say that you also dream about this trip, and perhaps the two of you Smalley to realize this dream ... But do not make any promises on first date - a dream together, and with plans to wait until such time when the relationship becomes more serious.


Food and beverages

Favorite food and drink, as well as unusual goodies that you've tried it - nice and safe (unless, of course, the girl no food or alcohol dependence) topic of conversation on a first date.


Career Plan

In fact, talking about a career can cause a girl positive emotions - if she is very happy with his academic and professional accomplishments and loves to talk about them, and the negative - if a girl does not like her current job, but it is not yet possible to change it. In both cases, you can win the girl's eyes: the first - excited about what it has achieved, as well as its plans for the future, in the second - cheer her up, and she had enough strength and talents to make your life as she wishes . In addition, the discussion on the topic of career will help you immediately to assess the prospects of relations: every man with his view of the fact whether he should meet with the waitress, free artist, or with the future CEO.



She certainly happy to tell you about his close friends, how she met with them, and maybe about adventures experienced together. Listen carefully: speaking of his circle of friends, she provides a lot of information about themselves - an ancient wisdom, "Tell me who your friends are and I'll tell you who you are" as relevant today as thousands of years ago.



What she likes to do in his spare time, what sports are involved and what kind of music to listen to, what books to read and what the film looks - ask her about it, to show their interest in it, and to understand better the girl. From her answer new questions may arise: for example, if it is a hobby - horse riding, learn how she started doing it, whether she takes care of the horses, and so on.


Dream out loud

Ask a Woman, for example, what it would do if she had the opportunity to do whatever you want, without restrictions, without thinking about the money, the lack of free time and other problems .  Or, what would she spend millions (or one hundred million dollars), they get it now! .  Answers to these questions will help you assess the quality of many women: how widely it thinks, what she wants from life, as she boldly - at least in their fantasies .  For example, if you are looking for a girl for a serious relationship and starting a family, you probably will approach a girl who will tell you that if there is a complete financial freedom she would quit her job, had a child and became engaged in the house and not have gone round the world trip .  But the girl, who, for example, would like to invest your million in funding for the expedition to study the depths of the sea - and she would have gone to explore new kinds of jellyfish and corals - rather like a man who is looking for a partner for joint adventure .  In addition to the practical purpose, such dreams aloud just really nice - sometimes even an adult and serious people want to escape from reality and allow yourself to dream in full force .


Avoid stereotypes

Perhaps in some paper in some men's magazine you read that most women like to talk about fashion, makeup, celebrities, as well as plans for the upcoming wedding and family life (even if the potential husband yet to accept) .  Talking about it is not a woman .  Even if she really loves these issues, it is unlikely to attract a man who talks to her about the fashion trends of the upcoming season (exceptions can be made if you are a fashion designer, writing and photographing for magazines and the traditional "women's issues" - it's your job ) .  Today, however, many women who know about fashion only by changing the assortment in stores, celebrity does not know practically nothing, and do not dream about the wedding .  Try to understand that it is interested in the girl you are talking to, rather than start from the stereotypes that should interest all the girls without exception, .


Avoid controversial topics

On the first date, try not to talk to a woman about politics and religion. Perhaps she was indifferent to that, and to another, but if it has a pronounced political or religious beliefs, and they do not match your conversation on a date could easily turn into a debate that does not contribute to creating a romantic atmosphere.

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