bachelorette party before the wedding
 Many traditions of the Slavic wedding ceremony has long been lost. But do not hold a bachelorette party. This cheerful holiday - seeing friends on the eve of marriage, happy to organize women in all cities of Russia and CIS countries. By tradition, the bride had to complain about his unenviable fate, and to comfort her friend and collect it in a long journey of family life. So it was now bachelorette party spend quite different rules.

 Bachelorette party before the wedding: tradition and modernity

The tradition of bachelorette party

According to the old Russian tradition of bachelorette party, or the eve of marriage, spent one day in the week before the wedding, when all the main charges and wedding chores have been completed, and the bride had to get some rest before the wedding Wedding - it is worth it to hurry up?  Wedding - it is worth it to hurry up?
 . Future wife invited her friends and relatives for a joint sorrowful farewell to girlhood, she cried, complained about a heavy share of their future married woman, a friend had to console her. The weeping bride, when she said goodbye to her maiden freedom and youth, helped especially women - "vytnitsy" or "voplenitsy" professionally executed laments songs.

In these songs glorifying the beauty of the bride, her innocence, the girls unravel plait - symbol of girlhood, combed their hair and comforted the young. Friends of the bride at this time engaged in weaving wedding dresses Wedding gowns for women: trends in wedding fashion 2013  Wedding gowns for women: trends in wedding fashion 2013
 , Knitting and embroidery, while also prichityvali and voice. Rite unwinding and symbolic circumcision braids held at the same time. With a bachelorette party before the wedding the bride went with her hair Hair: structure, characteristics of growth and development  Hair: structure, characteristics of growth and development
 That meant a transition state - is no longer a girl, but not yet a woman.

He has certainly bachelorette party at the home of the bride.

Once it plenty naplakal, girls began to sing songs, led dances, play fun games, guessing a new destiny, preparing wedding stuff. Never eat or drink during the bachelorette party was not accepted. This festival remained in the memory of the participants as the most happy and carefree time. Marriage in Russia is superimposed on a woman serious chores. Bachelorette party becomes a symbolic boundary between carefree youth and maturity severe.

 Bachelorette party before the wedding: tradition and modernity

Modern bachelorette party

Currently, the bride's bachelorette party arrange for a variety of scenarios and not necessarily at home. It may be a party in the sauna, dance floor, in the cafe, park, tourist center and other entertainment complexes. Bachelorette party usually engaged by the witness and friends of the bride. Think through the script together, or presented as a gift to the future wedding culprit.

Picnic add flavor to the hen, and a family party in the eastern style or a la Hollywood will bring mystery and intrigue.

Script myriad parties: retro bachelorette party, pink party, pajama-style fashion, going to the spa, a strip club, circus, tennis courts, a water park, or in a luxurious restaurant. The protagonists of this festival - only women and girls, colleagues, friends, relatives of the bride. The purpose of the bachelorette party - a memorable event before the wedding, the bride having fun.

 Bachelorette party before the wedding: tradition and modernity

And they have?

The English pre-wedding bachelorette party is unusual for Russian ear the name of hens-party, ie "night party." Bachelorette party in Moroccan passes unusual: five days before the wedding, the bride, accompanied by friends and relatives takes a ceremonial bath with incense. Then paint the woman her hands and feet with henna, she walks around the house three times, where there will be live with her future husband.

In the Czech Republic bridesmaids before the wedding day to weave a wreath of roses, which symbolizes remembrance. This ancient custom is preserved in many Czech provinces. The wreath is given to the future wife to the wishes of love, loyalty and wisdom in family life.

In Germany, before the wedding to friends and friends of the bride and groom near the house hit the plates and other utensils. Bride sweeps the whole fight well, until the last fragment in a sign that this is the last thing broken in the life of the newlyweds.

Wedding customs of different nations of the world a lot, organizing and conducting a bachelorette party - not a fad, but respect for national traditions. The way this festival will take place, perhaps, the future of the happiness of the young.

Jeanne Pyatirikova

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