female friendship
 If we could get an idea about friendship, based only on television programs and films, it would look something like this. Every woman has a best friend with whom she befriends a child with the school or institution, or a bunch of cheerful, well-dressed girlfriends, and this female friendship lasts forever.

  • Regardless of the circumstances, the woman talking with her friends every day, many times.
  • Women themselves may be complex, but their friendship - no.
  • If a woman's life is different, so it is something wrong.

Of course, in reality it looks so life is not every woman. Although there are those who have just such a relationship with her friends, but this is the exception rather than the rule.

In fact, this ideal picture of how women should look friendship - it's just playing the most common myths about what happens when women are friends. Believing these myths and take them as a guide to action dangerous. This creates unrealistic and highly idealized picture of what it means to be friends. And most importantly, if you believe these myths about female friendship, a real female friendship, which we are capable, can pass, simply because it does not meet these myths. Consider each of these myths about female friendship, and compare them with what it actually is.


Myth One: The best friend - a friend for life

The idea that two people or more people can be best friends forever, can be one of the most dangerous myths accepted by our society. Of course, there are people who can maintain a friendship, and that's fine. But most of us this does not happen, so this myth is dangerous. It supports the idea that true friendship lasts forever, to minimize the importance of other, more short-term relationships that happen in our lives.

In fact, it would be wrong to think that you and your best friend or several friends, will grow, evolve and change, so that you'll always have a lot in common, and never go in different directions. In the end, this idea could cost you a true friendship. Girlfriends come and go throughout our lives, and most likely at different stages of life we ​​will have different friends, which we assume the best.


Myth Two: to be the best of friends - it means to be in constant personal contact

Frankly, this friendship is usually not since the days of school or college students. At this time, it is inseparable friends is much easier: you are together in the walls of the institution, and sometimes live in a dorm or in the neighborhood and go to parties together. Then you will not be able to be in constant daily contact with friends, which is considered the best, but that does not mean that you have to doubt how good your friendship.

There are days when even there is nothing interesting, what could be shared with her own husband, with whom you live under the same roof and share virtually every aspect of their lives. Therefore, the idea that every day you can find something interesting to share this with her best friend, a little absurd. In each friendship is absolutely normal to chat as much as you want - a lot or a little. If you do not talk to your best friends every day or even every week - it does not mean you're a bad friend, it's just a sign that you are - adults employed women.


The third myth: true friendship is easy to maintain

The older we get, the farther from the truth it becomes. There were times when there was friendship itself and did not need to work hard to maintain it. Most often, such a friendship is in high school, and it is based on the fact that friends are often together. But in adult life, we need to raise a family, work, run on different cases and dream about an hour to carve out for themselves to go to the bar. Such a life leaves little time for women's friendship, intimate conversations and a girl's party.

In reality, the fact to have friends, to maintain friendships and make new friends especially, need time, energy and effort. We live in a world where meeting new people, and to install any new relationship - is hard work. That's why so many people are turning to dating on the internet. Friendship in this sense no different from a romantic relationship, which is why thrive sites that help people find friends. Leave the idea that true female friendship is tied only to itself, it is a myth, like that for a successful marriage need only love.


Myth Four: If your friendship looks different, so with you that something is wrong

It is the most dangerous myth of all, because it is simply not true. We all have different needs, and we are all at different stages of his life, and that means that what we are looking for other people, including friendship, is also changing. In fact, some of us like to have a lot of friends, and the other more comfortable to have one or two. And that means that you have exactly this type of female friendship that is right for you, and this friendship brings you joy.

Therefore, if you look around and begin to wonder why you do not have such friends as the other women you know, stop. Instead of comparing their reality with the fantasy that you impose myths about female friendship, look at their friends and try your friendship with them by how it supports you, fills you up and brings joy into your life.

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