Feng Shui
 Remove fallen leaves from hell, broken flower pots and weeds. Let your garden becomes an ideal place privacy, relaxation from the dynamic rhythm of modern life and a refuge from the stress. Do not neglect the artificial ponds and garden furniture. The device of feng shui garden, like any other area, is based on the art of proper distribution of space, allowing energy (chi) circulate freely, bringing harmony and well-being. In-furnished Feng Shui for the garden is easier to find enlightenment and achieve harmony.

The principles of Feng Shui for the garden devices

Disposition of Feng Shui garden should in harmony with the layout of the house. At arrangement of Feng Shui garden should be take into account the main elements of feng shui ayat, bagwa or pa kua, and the location of the world. Act fenshuy same for all types of gardens, irrespective of their size and location (either winter or ordinary garden). Feng Shui encourages the use of smooth lines that facilitate the inflow and circulation of chi energy in the garden.

Garden feng shui is a harmonious blend of herbs, shrubs, trees and colorful flowers. The Chinese are particularly fond of red flowers as They find that bright color How to wear bright colors: 7 Tips  How to wear bright colors: 7 Tips
   bring to life the joy and well-being. Understanding Feng Shui features and use them in everyday life helps to achieve success and prosperity.

Plants for the Garden Feng Shui

Plants - a major source of optimism and mental energy. According to feng shui, all plants can be classified as follows: wood, fire, earth, metal and water. Plants of each category are the eigenvalue and are responsible for a certain sphere of life:

* Woody plants - change and motion

* Fiery plants - beauty humor (sunflower, daisy)

* Terrestrial plants - stability and peace (clematis)

* Metal plants - strength and shutter speed (pampas grass)

* Aquatic plants - seriousness intentions and willpower (summer aster)

Tips for the Development of Feng Shui garden

* In the classical gardens of Feng Shui must necessarily be water bodies, such as a small pond / stream or fountain, red and orange flowers, trees and shrubs.

* The use of rounded shapes in the garden is an indispensable attribute of feng shui, so try to plant flowers in a circle in the garden or make a small round pond.

* All parts of the garden should be well covered. Do not forget to make a garden bench made of natural materials, e.g., wood or bamboo.

* Stone statues, ceramics or other decorative items should be placed in such a way as to clutter free space and garden center.

* One of the most important principles Feng Shui is considered to be the water flow in the same direction with the wind. Therefore, over the creek recommended hang Chinese bells ("music of wind") - is ensure the free flow of chi energy. According to feng shui, water also means wealth, success and purity.

* Flowers of red and other bright Colors - a key element of feng shui garden, because bright colors cheer up. So, yellow is associated with wound healing and the healing of the disease, pink positive effect on the relationship, and purple brings luck and well-being.

* Flowers with a pleasant aroma, for example, rose and lavender and flowers on slender stems that sway in the wind, only adorn any garden.

* Fish and poultry - an integral part of the garden feng shui, as the fish symbolizes wealth and prosperity. Arrange in the garden of a small pond with fish, it is advisable goldfish.

* Lighting (lights) garden should located in the southwestern part of the garden - it helps to strengthen the emotional Communication between spouses and other relations.

* Ideally, the garden feng shui sure there is a place for evergreen shrubs and grasses. How to care for these plants, since they affect the relationships of family members living in house.

* If you put in the south-east section of garden plants with heart-shaped leaves or diamond pattern, good luck will come to the house, wealth and prosperity.

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