• Hidden Magic stones - how to find success
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 Magic stones
 We are in varying degrees, are influenced by the implicit, but certainly existing cosmic radiation of other planets. This radiation affects human behavior, his perception of the world and on the environment. You also can not deny the influence of space on the ever-changing psychological state. After contact with skin stones and precious crystals carry Electromagnetic effects on the cells of our body. Skeptics tend to call people who believe in a hidden magic stones "weak-willed creatures, trusting misleading theories of astrology."

Gems in Vedic astrology the theory known as Jyotish gems. Have you noticed that the infectious laughter of your friends you also started to laugh no matter whether you think this joke is really funny or not. On the other hand, we do not start to laugh with an unknown company, sitting at the next table in a restaurant. Have you ever why things happen this way? Simply put, our friends are on the same emotional wave with us. For example, during the prayer, we give thanks to the promise of space, along with a request for improving a particular aspect of our life, the universe, and sometimes the answer to our prayers and requests simply amazes us. We cry out and find a comprehensive response from the holy love which is ready to help everyone, and our prayers are transformed into the channel through which the sacred love and good will descend on us and our loved ones.

 Hidden Magic stones - how to find success

Stones and effects on the body

Hardly anyone will deny today that the phases of the moon really influence our state, and we are more or less aware of it. Sunspots, perhaps less important sign from the astrological point of view, also have a certain influence on the person. Thus, it appears that the main source of all our problems is our sensitivity and response that the universe is in our bodies and minds. Our receptivity and sensitivity can be both negative and positive, initiating a return, but all of us should try to develop so as to become a "magnet" attracts only positive aspects. People need to work to increase and the expansion of the positive aspects of perception.

 Magic stones

The human body is composed of carbon and a variety of chemical elements that are found in plants, metals, stones, jewelry. The vast majority of people have a very high sensitivity to electromagnetic radiation. If your horoscope says that your perception of the planet's radiation patron is weakened or is not aimed at the mainstream, correct or enhance this aspect of astrology, you can use natural electromagnetic radiation from suitable to your sign of the zodiac gems.

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   and minerals, but other than that, we are able to feed off the energy of the invisible nature, which stimulates our mental, physical and spiritual abilities. From ancient years, various stones were used as a powerful source of invisible energy, has tremendous therapeutic effect. To date, the scientific explanation for this phenomenon is not, and traditional science can not explain how the gems are able to transform and reorganize the negative into positive karmic processes and how these processes affect the person's life. To scientists fully understand this question may require years of deep research, including analysis of astrophysics macrocosm and microcosm of atomic structures.

 Magic stones

 Hidden Magic stones - how to find success

Living organisms

Gems - is a reasonable crystal forms with unique atomic structure. It is composed of billions of atoms, which are located in a clear geometric pattern. The structure of the atoms in the crystal shape depend on what type of atoms present in it, is also of great importance for the formation of crystalline structures have temperature and pressure.

Adherents believe gems Ayurveda traditional Indian healing agent, which, in their opinion, has a stable and powerful energy charge. It is geometrically ordered crystal structure allows this energy freely run from the chip to the human body. This resonant energy has on the person with precious or semiprecious stones influence the impact of varying strength. Energy stone to the next level only when exposed to energy for the same resonance frequency.

 Magic stones

Due to various karmic reasons, the human body may have weakened or completely low-frequency perception required cosmic radiation. Stone, resonating at the identical "weak link" in the frequency bioelectrical system of a person can run certain processes in the body, leading to an improvement in the physical, physiological and spiritual condition of man. In this case, we can safely assume that the stones that resonate at the desired frequency of the planetary, reinforce and re-adjust the weakened human perception to the desired frequency. According to the holistic approach any disease - is the lack of any excess of certain forms of energy. Proper energy balance - the key to good health and a nice feeling.

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