• How to organize your day: tips for working moms
  • Identify priorities
  • Planning and storage
  • Key areas of the organization

 How to organize your day
   You do not have to strive to become the perfect wife and mother, do not have to puzzle over how to set up the perfect rhythm of life without failures and interruptions. No, your goal is - as far as possible to smooth the rough edges and create a system of organization of time and life that will help you manage the chaos, also known as your life, and learn to go with the flow when you can not do anything.

A little humor, a little bit of innovation, creativity and the ability to drop of time to abandon the futile struggle and go with the flow - that's what will make you happy and relaxed working mom. Do not put ourselves impossible tasks - and do not worry about what you "bad mother." Be a realist - and your life will get better by itself.

 How to organize your day: tips for working moms

How to organize a "transitional period"

Perhaps the hardest working mum falls in the so-called "transitional period": in the morning, when the child needs to be collected in a kindergarten or school, in the afternoon, when it is necessary to pick up, and in the evening when the child should be put to bed. Thus, the transitional period - is the period of preparation for the change in the situation (for example, home - school (kindergarten) - House). How can you help your child (and yourself) to go through these transitions smoothly during the day?

  • Remember that children need structure, clearly established order of things; they must know what they will do during the day, what will be doing next.

Routine and routine of calm. If you tell a child what he will do during the day, to explain in detail his plan of action, you will save him from the uncertainty and caused her bad behavior (tantrums and whims of young children, neglect and disobedience in older children), which is frequently observed it is in transitional periods.

One of the most effective ways to help your child to imagine what you want from him - visualization. Draw the schedule as a gaming scheme, showing all the actions that are expected of a child - the rise, morning hygiene, fees for school or kindergarten, play with peers, lunch, naps, and so on. Young children do not take the time, so they do not care when it happens or that event. For them, the important sequence of events, so a graphic representation of the daily routine will be better understood. For example, for a baby of 2-5 years can make a collage with photos depicting key concepts of his daily routine: the sun, the delicious breakfast, toothbrush, shoes, car, garden (or children), toys, sandwich Sandwiches. Pros and cons  Sandwiches. Pros and cons
 , Cot. Do not forget to complement your collage of family photos, which you and your child. That's scheme may be detailed or as simple as possible because it is not in the number of images or pictures, and in the principle. That is the idea, not the incarnation captures a child's attention, making the daily routine work.

Drawing up the daily routine of the child, based on the detailed planning of all that can go wrong plan, essentially begged your life, help reduce stress and minimize the whims of the baby during a transitional period. Here are some tips on how best to organize the transition time:

 How to organize your day: tips for working moms

Every thing has to be the place

If every thing a child - his clothes, toys, books and notebooks - have allotted a place you know exactly where to find her, and in the morning rush did not waste time to look for her.

 How to organize your day: tips for working moms

Use your tablet

In a prominent place - the mirror in the hallway or the kitchen - hang makeshift bulletin board. It can leave notes, bills that must be paid, and the daily routine. This is a great reminder of what to do and when.

 How to organize your day: tips for working moms

Arrange a "collection point" in the hallway near the front door

Encourage your child to collect all the necessary PM the next day and leave the assembled pack at the front door. This saves you from it and hectic morning routine in which anything is required to be forgotten.

 How to organize your day: tips for working moms

Prepare clothes that are going to wear tomorrow

Prepare clean clothing for the child and hang it on the back of his bed. Do the same for yourself. In the morning you will not have to spend time, energy and nerves in search of clothing.

 How to organize your day: tips for working moms

Use clear word limit, to hasten the child

Phrases like "You have three minutes to finish eating breakfast" or "Five minutes later we go" helps the child prepare for the next phase of the daily routine.

 How to organize your day: tips for working moms

Loudly sing

Make up songs to accompany the different classes - it helps children interested. Who wants to clean up? No - unless you sing a different tune some funny song about cleaning, inserting the word in the names of all the children present. This tactic works with the elderly and children - they are ready to do whatever you want, but you have ceased to sing.

 How to organize your day: tips for working moms

Do not stretch the long goodbye

It is enough to kiss the baby and tell him that you will again see .  It is not necessary to stretch a farewell for fifteen minutes as if you broke up in a few hours, but for all eternity .  Such farewell almost always ends in tears, and tender-hearted mother returns than just complicates the situation .  Nor should another half hour to loom behind the fence, secretly watching everything is okay with the baby .  You can not always be present in his life and to protect it from all the problems and troubles .  Get over it .  Moreover, excessive protection is appropriate when the child first came to the new location, moved to a new school or kindergarten, but if he goes there for two years, and you still can not calm down, it means that you need a little relax control .  In addition, it shows your caregiver distrust, doubt his professional qualities (and in fact you have chosen this kindergarten or school) .  So just kiss the baby, hug him, smile and say "See you soon" .

 How to organize your day: tips for working moms

How to organize life

Any owner needs a list of contacts, which should always be at hand. So, armed with a pen and start making a list: Emergency telephone services (electricity, heating, water, gas, telephone), telephone support, telephone plumbing, electrical, mechanical, specialist in repair of computers and Internet service provider, telephone fire, ambulance, police and rescue services. Also included in the contact list phone numbers of all household, both workers and mobile. In some situations, solve all the minutes. The list of contacts is recommended to place a file or laminate and attach a prominent place. Now you no longer have to search through the contents of the panic desk drawers.

To avoid confusion in the home also helps the overall family schedule, which indicated plans for each family member. Buy a large desk calendar and colored markers (preferably those that are deleted) it plans to designate all households, assigning to each his own color. For example, blue - the color of the pope, green - the color of mother, orange - the color of the child. One color should be shared - use it to designate the case in which all family members are engaged together. This is very important as children often feel excluded from the life of adults. Be sure to plan at least once a week to spend time together - to go to the park, cinema, pizzeria. This will help you keep a close relationship with your pet, in spite of the intense rhythm of life.

Read more Identify priorities

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