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 The atmosphere in the house, the relationship between family members play a huge role in shaping the personality of the child and have a direct impact on his future life and the ability to achieve success in it. It houses the child sees the model of relations between people and their subconscious takes over. Houses child learns to trust, to love and to build relationships. If a child with a childhood surrounded by love and grow in an atmosphere of respect, he quickly learned to trust people. The ability to trust another person - a necessary condition for healthy relationships throughout life.

 I'm working mother: the advantages and disadvantages of living Housewives

A matter of trust

For example, a child who spent the first years of his life in an orphanage or boarding school, even the best - care educators will never replace a mother's love and care, because in a group of children a few, and the parents he is one (even in a large family, each baby for a while feels only).

So when such a child being adopted and he falls to the family, he must first learn to trust. Adoptive parents must fill in the love and affection that a child has been deprived. Also important physical contact - mom can often to stroke: comb hair Hair: structure, characteristics of growth and development  Hair: structure, characteristics of growth and development
 , Hugging, holding her hand to show how much he loves. Such a child anyway, what do you do together, the main thing - you're next. He needs to know that in the morning when he wakes up, and in the evening, when he is asleep, you will be with him. He must know that he is safe at home, at home love him and always welcome. At home, he learns to trust, to love and be loved.

That home, in the family, the child knows who he is, what he represents. Each of us - individuality. We all have unique skills, talents and characteristics. Parents should discover these talents and develop them.

The house can be compared with a reliable fortress in which we are looking for rest and protection. This is where we come back every day, where we are waiting for clean clothes, a warm bed and delicious food. Home - an island of peace and tranquility in a busy world where we take off the masks and become themselves.

 I'm working mother: the advantages and disadvantages of living Housewives

What role does the house in our lives?

It is natural that someone has to keep the home that the child wanted to go home to a complex structure under the name of "family" has not collapsed and fell into disrepair.

At the construction site runs the superintendent. It is early in the morning until late at night on duty at the construction site to ensure that all works are carried out according to plan and all busy with their business. Supervisor and principal contractor regularly communicate to act on the plan and keep within the allotted time for construction. Together they develop a strategy and make important decisions.

Houses are so many events happening that without an experienced superintendent is simply not enough. Someone has to devote their time and energy to care for the family, as well as "drive home" housekeeping and solve a lot of small and large problems. This is the work of my mother - homemaker.

 I'm working mother: the advantages and disadvantages of living Housewives

Duty mother - always be ready to help your child

What is motherhood? Motherhood - a clock work, in which there is no output from the holidays. Mom should always be ready to support the child and help him when he needs it. Our fast-paced world needs those who know that life does not fit into the frame reserved for her: to work, to rest, to take care of yourself for families with children, to communicate with her husband, to housekeeping ... not be expected when you have time for children and families - need to find him.

The child often mature "difficult" questions, and my mother to be there to give them an answer, otherwise it will make someone else, and the result you may not like it. But this does not mean that the mother should be around relentlessly and everywhere accompany the child. Availability - does not necessarily mean presence. The constant presence of the mother of the child presses the limits of his freedom and development. It is therefore important to find a balance between support and constant care. Do not suffocate the baby with your love; he should know that my mother is always there, but it will not deprive him of his independence and does not hurt to leave the family nest, when the time comes.

Always be ready to help your child - it's not meant to focus exclusively on the needs of the family, neglecting their own needs. No, my mother does not have to forget about their physical and emotional needs. After all, if the mother takes care of all who care about my mother? Only she, so you need to learn the art of loving yourself.

Of course, sacrifice - the main feature of the mother, but ask yourself whether you want to sacrifice your loved ones? No one to take care of you better than yourself. You have to identify your main challenges as a mother and to develop an optimal strategy to address these issues. You also have to find methods of emotional and physical recovery that will help you survive this exhausting "work." Here are some common problems faced by the majority of mothers, and strategies for their solution.

Read more Isolation and emptiness?

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