Lifestyle seducer
 The key to success of any man - is we women. Veritable ladies' man loves a woman gets real pleasure from communicating with them, he goes with them to the movies, to the shops, the gym ... he eats and sleeps only with women, he She is living with them and they - always! Seductive feeds them with energy and gives each my love. God is one for him - a woman!

Needless to say that this man respected lady is her dignity, her studies as perfection, the crown of creation, and therefore He knows its needs, knows how to make her happy. That's why, you're with him easy and comfortable - it just He knows what you need even if you still own it do not guess!

With women it is clear - you will say - and men? How seducer bewitches them? - Easily! But the man - an animal! What are the attributes leader? - The best cuts of meat and the best female! - Lovelace quite frankly He believes that any and may want to have any woman; He is not shy his instincts and he defines its scope of permissible; acts like please. Thus, his rivals, acknowledging his right to "Best female" themselves and give him the best piece of production, defining it in a host leaders. This is the law of life: successful and happy love everything!

There are two basic rules that strictly adheres seducer. The first rule of confidentiality. This ladies' man never talking about their relationships, although they were legends. Remember: he worships lady, fiercely defending the honor of each of his beloved, even potential, and the potential - It is for him who is not with him at the moment. The second rule is: "I owed nothing to anybody." Lovelace did not deceive women - they openly They declare their desires, and never give empty promises and unfulfilled expectations. Every time he comes into your life and have a holiday you most it becomes vital to like him. You want to look after him, to give herself to him ... And he reverently accept these gifts.

A simple example: it looks like an ordinary man? His appearance: individual parts and the image as a whole? A macho? So why the difference is so essential? Why is the image of a practically perfect, well, perhaps, add another a small bar; whereas the second you are, sometimes, in the dark and with a bogey vegetable garden you can mix up? - Again all easy! The answer already lies in the question itself: each of us adds to the image of Lovelace small bar, on the, female taste! And how does it then not to love if we do it, and created! Exactly we women do it perfect - the way we want it to be!

So, what we still love seducer - a serpent-tempter? Behind his unshakable confidence? Or the ability to deeds? And this is his where? - Why, it also proclaimed leader! He behaves like a leader: how to his darling please - then he and the king. He initially confident of victory, just because it can not be otherwise. Lovelace never think: is it worth you fascinate, since you came into his field of vision. Fortress it takes Beret - a symbol of French charm  Beret - a symbol of French charm
   storm! But the same time, the seducer is not afraid of responsibility for their actions; he is not blames and responsibilities to others; he makes decisions. He's ready to all: how to meet the enemy of the Fatherland, and the deceived husband.

Lovelace exists outside of public opinion, he It determines what is good and what is bad. He does not care about morality, he was accustomed to go contrary to the opinion of others, he likes the process itself will override difficulties. A because he will not seek to convert you, will not give estimates - it he lives in the present and you need such as it is. He never anything from you does not require, and take only what you want to give myself to him.

There is one very valuable quality - like seducer be a hero, but because he did not hide his head in the sand, not abstracted from your problems and save the lady in distress! Of course, it may happen that even he does not can help you - he, too, is not omnipotent, but it will try again and again, until you break his neck. But the sacrifice is justified - it is in the name and for the glory Women!

Macho is not afraid to act, is not afraid to make mistakes, not afraid live. And you feel that his life is real, the world is filled with a variety of colors and unprecedented miracles. And you - Alice, accidentally discovered a door leading to the Through the Looking Glass ...

That's the whole secret

Collegiate Olga

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