 Singing, walking wide generous Carnival celebrates the rebirth of nature, awakening after a long winter. Spring is coming, spring road. Festivities, ruddy pancakes, laughter, fun - a tradition to meet spring likewise preserved in Russia since the pre-Christian, pagan times. However, satisfying not only the famous Carnival of the annual national cycle, a serious preparation for Lent, which lasts for forty days and more and ends with the greatest Christian holiday Easter.

 Mardi Gras: Preparation for Lent

Traditions Maslenitsa

Noisy, naughty walk in late winter in Russia called the Carnival is no coincidence: it is based on the tradition of Russian hot pancakes generously to flavor oil. For centuries, people perceived the sun as the grace of God, tried to appease him, cajole, that it warmed the frozen ground, and soon sent a warm spring. In the last week before Lent people taken for a batch of pancakes Pancakes: solar circle of abundance  Pancakes: solar circle of abundance
 In the villages it was decided to cut circles on horseback, take a snow town, venturing fights and fights in order to "let off steam" before Lent. In ancient times, people considered a symbol of the sun pancake eating burning circle believed that since they are close to the mighty luminary. Spring was seen as the beginning of a new life, her hopes on a well-fed and rich habitation.

In pagan times, people believed that in the spring, along with the new shoots, and the birds are returning to the land of souls of the dead to help the living. Because the first pancake is always put on the "spirits" window for the souls of their ancestors, "the first attempt - for the peace." Baked pancakes on Shrove Tuesday with the beginning of time and with the introduction of Christianity in the church, unable to overcome this tradition and legitimized it as a cheese Week before Lent.

Every day of Maslenitsa has its own name:

  • Monday - a meeting of celebration. This day started pancakes, and certainly the first attempt gave to the poor that they commemorated the dead. It was the last day when finalizing rides, booths and fairs to celebrate Maslenitsa general;
  • Tuesday - zaigrysh. Young people ride with, older people started to walk in guests and invite friends and relatives to her;
  • Wednesday - gourmand. Mother-in-law came to pancakes, the Russian tradition is reflected in the well-known proverb - "to go to his mother on pancakes." Eats these days "from the belly" was not a sin;
  • Thursday - a binge, or fracture. On this day people began to indulge in all sorts of fun: fist fights, swing, booths, Junket, sleigh rides and the like;
  • Friday - Teschin Vyachorka. On this day, the wife's mother-in-law personally invited to the pancakes, and son-in-all Tesza sent for baking pancakes;
  • Saturday - Zolovkina gatherings. It is a day when all go to each other's homes and on the tables in each house are very rich, lavish treats;
  • Sunday - forgiven a day to each person to ask forgiveness, to go to the cemetery and leave there pancakes. On this day ritually burned an effigy of Maslenitsa, or symbolically buried him. It was the last day before Lent, when the use of alcohol was allowed.

All week on Shrove Tuesday is referred to as "Mrs. Pancake", "broad", "honest", "cheerful noblewoman-Mardi Gras."

 Mardi Gras: Preparation for Lent

Preparation for Lent

With the introduction of Christianity in Russia was celebrating the carnival have religious roots. In the Orthodox church Shrovetide is called the cheese is replaced by Meatfare Week. In the seven days allowed to eat milk, cheese, butter and other Skoromniy products, but not meat. On Wednesday and Friday, Shrove Tuesday canceled a strict fast and Liturgy in the churches.

Lent - a time when everyone needs to take a deep internal audit. Prepare for it internally and externally can be on Shrove Tuesday, the battles and skating, and the eating of fun to throw all their worldly passions, staging a real binge. Christian sense of generous cheese Week is that all people should repent to each other, be reconciled, forgive grievances and prepare for prolonged abstinence during Lent.

 Mardi Gras: Preparation for Lent

It is interesting

Carnival girl wondered: the first attempt, they carried on the street, they were treated to the first comer, and asked his name. It is believed that and will know its future husband. Gad and fillings to pancakes - some who would prefer that and the impression. For example, the pancakes with sour cream Smetana: untold riches of Russian cuisine  Smetana: untold riches of Russian cuisine
   prefer the gentle nature, which for your favorite star from the sky would get. Pancakes with caviar - people prefer practical, firmly standing on their feet. In such divinations Divination: guess - guessing?  Divination: guess - guessing?
   more humor than common sense, but in the days of merry Shrovetide this method of entertainment was just what we needed.

Jeanne Pyatirikova

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