Meaning of moles on his feet
 People have long tried to find out their fate, solving the signs on the body: it is believed that moles do not occur accidentally on some specific locations. Usually commentators draw attention to moles, located on the face and hands, but the value of moles Meaning of moles - the mysterious handwriting on the human body  Meaning of moles - the mysterious handwriting on the human body
   on his feet, too, can be a very interesting and important.

 Meaning of moles on his feet: many interpretations

To be or not to be birthmarks?

The bigger and brighter the mole, the more it affects the destiny of man.

Large birthmarks signal of some karmic issues, while the impact of a tiny birthmark may not be as noticeable. Often people to remove moles for medical or aesthetic reasons. Doctors often insist on the removal of moles Mole removal  Mole removal
 Who constantly injured, rubbed with clothes and exposed to solar radiation. Such injuries for some moles are very dangerous because they can contribute to the regeneration of normal nevus to a malignant melanoma. It is proved that melanoma occurs most often in people who spend much time in the sun, so people with lots of moles are not recommended to abuse tan in the sun or in the solarium.

Large birthmarks that disfigure the appearance of the person is often removed for reasons of aesthetics. Some people, after learning about the interpretation of moles and intending to change their destiny, and sometimes try to remove moles, located at unfavorable locations. At the same time, while others are willing to change the destiny of making a tattoo in the form of a mole in a favorable location. I must say that such intervention is not esoteric welcome. According to them, to be honest work karmic debts, living life with the moles, which have been given by fate. Everyone has their own path, and birthmarks are signposts along the way, so the unnecessary removal of moles can only confuse the destiny to turn life into chaos.

 Meaning of moles on his feet: many interpretations

Moles on the legs

It is very important on which side of the body is a birthmark. Men favorable location of moles on the right, a mole on the left side of the body carry the negative information. For women, on the contrary, favorable mole to the left, and a mole on the right - are unfavorable. If a mole is located in a favorable location, but the adverse side of the body, and vice versa, in an unfavorable position on the favorable side, its influence on the destiny of man is weakened.

It is believed that the dark birthmark associated with Saturn - they indicate karmic problems to be solved. Red moles - a sign of Jupiter. They warn man about the events that may affect his outlook. Bright moles appear under the influence of Venus, they affect communication with other people.

Most moles on his legs point to indecisive character of its owner. These people are hard to make choices and decisions, but rarely wrong.

If a woman or man has a birthmark on the back of the thigh, it is said that a person can become a hermit. Small mole Moles:: tags fate or bombs?  Moles:: tags fate or bombs?
   in this area - a sign uncommunicative. Moles on hips suggest a strong dependence on the mother. Usually people with a birthmark on his thigh early deprived of his father due to death or divorce of parents.

Woman with birthmark on the right hip is usually difficult to get married. Among these ladies are not very rare delayed marriage when children give birth too late. If the birthmark is on the woman's left hip, the problems with the marriage, as a rule, does not arise. A large number of moles says fertility - such women are often mothers of large families. Moles on hips in men and women portend good health of their children.

Moles on your lap is usually favorable, but the evidence of an impatient person's character. Such people are inattentive to detail, they always in a hurry and in a hurry can be made a lot of mistakes. A speck on the right male and female left knee promises its owner happy and strong marriage. If the birthmark is on the unfavorable side, it indicates that human emotions often dominate over reason. Moles on the legs indicate a good command of his body. These birthmarks often dancers and athletes.

Moles ankles indicate mental sophistication and sensitivity of men. Women such moles - a sign of great ability and a strong energy. If the birthmark is on the feet, they point to the love of travel. Moles on the toes - an indicator of suspiciousness.

Maria Bykov

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