Meaning of moles on your back
 Probably not in the world of a man whose body is decorated to at least one mole. Many believe that a mole Moles:: tags fate or bombs?  Moles:: tags fate or bombs?
   appear on certain areas of the human body by chance - every such mark tells about some traits of the owner. Especially eloquent birthmark located on the face, but also the value of moles Meaning of moles - the mysterious handwriting on the human body  Meaning of moles - the mysterious handwriting on the human body
   on the back is equally important, because these are real signs of destiny.

 Meaning of moles on the back - the important warnings

What will tell a mole on his back

 Meaning of moles on your back
 It is important, on what site is located behind a mole, because the mark in the upper back does not mean quite the same as the mole on the back. For example, a mole close to the shoulders suggest that their owner - is very demanding of themselves and others people. Typically, these people are attentive to their health, play sports and take great care of tempering procedures. And so taking care of yourself is not accidental - because of the nature of the people with a birthmark on the back of good health do not possess.

If a birthmark on his back appeared in adulthood, this may indicate the development of a disease. People with many moles in the upper back often suffer from lung disease, women with such birthmarks often bronchitis and even asthma. In childhood and adolescence the holders of such moles often get cold, they have a low blood pressure and suffer from inexplicable weakness.

Many women are proud of the charming little mole in the upper or middle part of the back. However, such a mark - not just decoration, but also a warning: its possessor will be faced with fraud or betrayal of a loved one. Many commentators argue that such birthmarks are karmic origins and appear in those who betrayed in a previous life.

Women with a birthmark on the back should be self-sufficient and self-reliant, not to be too vulnerable. For them it is very important to have a "strong rear" - people who can be trusted.

Men with moles in the middle of the back is usually good-natured and unsophisticated, but not stupid. Such people are usually well trained and become strong professionals in various fields.

Birthmark on lower back - the sign of honest and loyal nature. These people are successful only because of their hard work, they do not come for free. Holders of a mole on the lower back should not get involved in dubious adventures and trying to get rich quick - only a conscientious work, slowly but surely lead them to success.

 Meaning of moles on the back - the important warnings

Unusual moles

 Meaning of moles on your back
 Sometimes it may appear on the back not a single mole, and several birthmarks. In this case, the fate of marks should be considered comprehensively: such birthmarks can form various shapes, which also have their importance. For example, a triangle of moles - an extremely auspicious sign, heralding its owner good luck in everything. The circle and the oval is also evidence of good fortune, but the cross of moles on the back heralds the pain of betrayal of those closest and dearest people.

Suffice it rarely happens that the human body has birthmarks resembling the numbers. If such a mole located on the face, shoulders, back or neck, they should look closely. For example, a speck of one indicates that the holder has a straight and even aggressive. These people aspire to leadership, they often become criminals or choose a military career.

Birthmark in the shape of two - a sign of artistic natures, contradictory and unstable. Such people usually do not know what they want and therefore are never satisfied. Stain as a number "three" - a sign of a good ability to adapt. Such people are able to quickly adapt to any circumstances. Birthmark in the shape of four - reliable people who can be trusted. If a mole has the shape of the number "five" - ​​a sign of a bright personality. These people are talented and attractive in appearance, they are able to surprise the world.

Birthmark in the shape of six symbolizes harmony. These people are happy in marriage and in business, nice to talk to them. And if a mole has the shape of the Group of Seven, the holder is a born psychologist. From such people make great hypnotists, doctors and philosophers.

Birthmark in the form of a figure "eight" represents material success. A birthmark Birthmarks  Birthmarks
   in the form of a nine - an ambiguous character. This spot can bring its owner good fortune and great sorrow.

Maria Bykov

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