Planning time for moms
 Planning time mom is always problematic. Some do it better, some worse, but, of course, any of us can remedy the situation by following certain rules. Procrastination can be a trap, but it does not mean that it is impossible to get out of it. There are three rules that can help you in planning the time and expense of an unnecessary haste.

 Scheduling time for moms: how to make your own schedule

Make a list of necessary cases

If you have a list, you will be much easier to sort out what else to do.

  • Make just a general list and then a mini-lists for every day.
  • If the day is saturated, schedule yourself a few small problems, but when you have more time, you can take more global affairs.
  • For example, on Monday morning, when the time is not very many, put in front of two or three small tasks, such as mail or visit cleaning.
  • If you divide a large list into smaller, more realistically achievable lists, things will no longer seem so overwhelming.

 Scheduling time for moms: how to make your own schedule

Use advanced technology

Most likely, each of you have a smartphone, tablet or any other device to which you have daily access.

Set reminders via e-mail or an alarm clock to monitor the execution of the tasks.

If payment for the gas must be paid before the 15th of the month, set a reminder on the 10th of each month, so you have time to make a payment over the Internet, or write a check and send it by e-mail, and be sure that he will come in time.

It is very convenient to use Google calendar in the allocation of tasks. You can then choose to receive emails or text messages as reminders. This method has a time-tested. You can also use Google Calendar on your phone, you can make new tasks directly to the phone and organize them, wherever you are.

 Scheduling time for moms: how to make your own schedule

Use colors

This trick works mainly for mothers who have dominated the visual memory.

  • Take the package of markers and paint the to-do list. You can also use different colors in the preparation of the calendar.
  • Choose your own method, for example, set each day of the week color, or choose a different color for tasks.
  • Therefore, when you look at what needs to be done, the colors will attract your eyes and you'll always know where to find the information that needs to be done immediately and what can wait.
  • You can also decorate the lists of daily tasks. For example, yellow - what needs to be done up to 10 hours, blue - up to 14 hours and green - 7pm.

Important in this so-called color coding - to determine what works best for you and your family. If you really adapt to it, you can teach a child to plan their business, using color schemes. Thus, your family will be at first glance to know what things to do.

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