SMS favorite
 With the development of new technologies to keep in touch with loved ones has become simpler. Once people for weeks or months waiting for letters from loved ones, then came to the aid landlines and love, afraid to miss a call, we try as much as possible to spend more time at home. The mobile phone seems to be solved all problems: now with a loved one can be contacted at any time and in any place, and for this purpose do not even have to call - simply dial SMS favorite. But do not abuse the opportunities that gives us the technological progress. Communicating via SMS has its own rules that must be followed without exception, and that girls are often violated.


Do not write SMS when you are in a state of intoxication

Perhaps this rule at least once in their lives violated every girl .  It is necessary to drink a couple of glasses and a pleasant feel slight intoxication as there is an irrepressible desire to tell the man with whom you are currently dating, and their feelings .  Well, if you are a long time in a relationship - then the man simply smiles post by drunk girlfriend; If you write to the man with whom managed to go only a few visits, there is a risk that you tell him something too much, or it simply will not like the fact that you write him in the night .  To make it easier to control yourself, ask friends, so they did not allow you to write SMS (and calls) as long as you relax together, or give your phone a friend for storage .  A more radical option: before you go to a party or a chat with friends, write down the phone number of the men at the paper, and then delete the number from the memory of your phone .  A piece of paper with the number, of course, leave the house .  Mobile phone is best not to leave the house - it is possible that you will need to call a cab or, for example, to call the emergency services .


Do not argue sms

Format text messages does not allow enough arguments in detail and to present their views on controversial issues, but of SMS is very easy to make the wrong conclusions, which then lead to conflict. So starts a conversation that could lead to disputes, need only in person or, in extreme cases, by telephone.


Keep balance

When you communicate face to face, you hardly dare to speak for twenty minutes at a time, giving the other party to insert a few words. The same applies to communication by SMS: you write a couple of sentences, he says, you respond to it, and so on. It is not necessary to send five SMS in response to one of his message: it will only create the impression that you really need attention, or you just bored. If he responds with a few words, do not send him the whole mini-essays. Your message should be approximately equal in volume.


Do not confess your love sms

At least, it does not make the first recognition as a text message. It robs you both the pleasure of seeing each other's eyes at this special moment. More importantly, it shows your immaturity, inability to overcome fear and to speak directly about their feelings. Finally, this recognition is much less important in the eyes of a loved one, than if you confess love in direct communication.


Use emoticons sparingly

Generally, with the help of emoticons can revitalize communication by SMS, but it is important not to overload your posts - otherwise they will be difficult to read. As a rule, however, quite smiley per message.


Stimulate his imagination

As you know, men are very highly developed visual perception, so beloved is regularly offer attractive visual images. When he asked for the sms, what you are doing or going to do, let's answer that makes his imagination run. For example, write what you have just taken a shower and decide what to wear (even if in fact you're lying on the couch and watch your favorite melodrama), or dancing in a nightclub with friends, or going to bed; man instantly imagine how it looks. Avoid detailed descriptions - the necessary details of his own imagination Doris.


Not a word about a month

If you do not want to meet a man for a few days because of the month, I think that any other explanation. It is best to just write him that you will be very busy in the next four or five days - even if it's a little porevnuet thinking about where and how you spend that time. Men did not necessarily talk about the physiological processes of their favorite women - these topics may also stimulate their imagination, but not as you would like.


Do not send several SMS Streak

So do many of the girls: If a man does not respond to SMS per hour (may be more or less - depending on the patient women), they write it again. Sometimes they send the same message several times, sometimes write something new; In any case, they hope that through this man manipulated respond faster. In fact, he will answer when he wants it - and not before. He can be a meeting, all hands on deck at work, meeting with friends, exercise, or just in a bad mood, so no need to impose its own - one SMS is enough to make him understand that you want to talk, but even dozens of messages is not enough to It makes him want to do the same.


Remind him that you think about it

When you go to a party with friends, or traveling with a loved one, you can send him a sms to let him know what you think of him, even when spending time without him. You can also send a picture of herself in a beautiful dress for a party - this is again a force to work his imagination.

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