side effects of healing crystals and stones
 The energy of crystals and stones quite real, and many people may not experience a very pleasant feeling when in contact with their energy. The crystals of quartz (SiO2) in mineralogy is considered one of the most powerful metaphysical power conductors. In addition to the positive impact of these crystals also have side effects, the negative impact on the human condition and may have other stones, but in the case of quartz it is most more pronounced.

 Side effects of using healing crystals and stones - the danger of ignorance

When working with crystals and healing stones need to be aware of possible side effects, the effect of which may appear to you or people around you.

  • Diarrhea

In some cases, too long contact with the quartz crystal can lead to indigestion and diarrhea. A person may not be ready to receive the flow of energy coming from the quartz. If the crystal seems too large, try to reduce it or use it for a long time. Sometimes the problem of disorder in the body may be too large dose of energy coming from the quartz or increased conductivity of the metal, if you wear a crystal in jewelry.

  • The energy impact

In the treatment of stones or crystals, some people may feel tingling or tingling in different parts of the body. Sometimes there are tides, the man throws hot and cold. These experiences suggest that the energy falls into the body, which is charged and thus the crystal body tries to adjust the opening of essential body which must be filled with healing energy. If discomfort is quite intense and pronounced, stop using the crystal and limit his contact with your body.

  • Headache

 side effects of healing crystals and stones
 Headaches - a fairly common side effect of treatment on the human body crystals .  These ailments occur in modulating the energy of the crystal with the energy of the brain, which is concentrated in the epiphysis or pineal gland .  The combination of the pineal gland and the pituitary gland controls the so-called third eye, sixth sense, which stimulates the energy passing through therapeutic crystal .  If your third eye to this almost was not involved, the sudden invasion of crystal energy may cause headaches .  By and large, this is a positive process, indicating that the energy of the brain in motion, and gets extra stimulation, but in any, case, listen to your feelings and act cautiously .  Crystal, which causes severe headaches, you should not use when no pronounced side effects of crystal can be used occasionally for a short time, so the body has adapted and tuned to the desired energy wave .

  • Mood swings

Sometimes the use of energy-charged crystals causes individuals unexpected emotional reactions. Some may cry, laugh, feel a sense of inexplicable euphoria. People who work with crystals, believe that the cause of such phenomena can be luggage negative memories and emotions that we accumulate from childhood. In contact with the energy of the crystal the entire burden begins to dissolve, and in such cases, many people experience mood swings and sudden outbursts of various emotions.

  • Dizziness

Quite often after the treatment session crystals, some people feel dizzy. If, during the session lying, should not rise sharply. Climb better gradually, but until then, until dizziness stops, it is better to remain in a seated position and do not stand up.

Throughout the sequence is important. In the treatment of crystals, some people have a heightened sensitivity to external stimuli, such as music or TV works. Sometimes certain items, such as sounds, smells, or stories may bring to the surface long forgotten, and perhaps not always pleasant, memories of childhood. In the treatment of the crystals have no place hurry. It is not necessary to stuff untrained body large doses of unfamiliar energy. Listen to your feelings, and be healthy.

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