• Treatment pet natural remedies: attention and care
  • Eye injuries

 Treatment pet natural remedies
 Cat or dog become true members of the family, and when they suddenly become ill or they appear minor health problems, the owner must be able to provide first aid to your pet. Naturally, in the case of serious illness, you should immediately contact your veterinarian, but if the animal something pricked, scorched, he had problems with digestion, you can try to help him yourself. And for that, it is not necessary to purchase special equipment on the basis of the chemical in the pharmacy - natural, too, able to cope.

 Treatment pet natural remedies: attention and care

Attention to the environment

If you live at home a cat or dog, you have to be very attentive to the subjects that they may unwittingly push, overturn, prick or burn. Do not leave pots with something hot, remove the chemicals that you use in everyday life at home. Curiosity animals may cost them to do.

If your pet still got thermal burns, immediately apply to the damaged place a cloth soaked in cold water, soaking for about fifteen minutes. To heal quickly went twice a day imposes on the wound gel with Calendula.

If the burn is caused by the chemical and it is a toxic substance, it is necessary to prepare a solution for the treatment of wounds. Dissolve a teaspoon of baking soda in 500 ml of warm water, soak a clean cloth and make gadgets. Do not allow the animal to lick the wound to prevent poisoning by toxic substances.

If the wound burn is serious, deep tissue severely damaged, it is best to consult a veterinarian.

 Treatment pet natural remedies: attention and care

Decrease dandruff

Dandruff happens in animals, it can be oily and have a repulsive odor. The reason for this is often the wrong food and grooming. Avoid harsh shampoos wash that can cause dandruff, choose a soft delicate tools. As a dietary supplement, you can use cold-pressed flaxseed oil, which should be stored in the refrigerator. Giving animals on the basis of the weight: half a teaspoon of four and a half kilograms of weight for a dog, and a quarter of a teaspoon for cats, twice a day. Flaxseed oil can help resist the drying of the skin which suffers from a deficiency of fatty acids.

 Treatment pet natural remedies: attention and care

Digestive problems

Indigestion, constipation, unintentional ingestion of toxic substances - often happens with pets. In general, problems with digestion in pets, as in humans, occur due to improper, unbalanced diet.

If your animal appeared indigestion, which is manifested by vomiting, depressed condition, refusal to eat, you need to overnight stop feeding it to the digestive system is completely free from the food that caused the problem. Let him drink in large quantities and in small doses allow to drink chicken broth and rice to eat.

Let the animal and camomile tea Chamomile: the rays of beauty  Chamomile: the rays of beauty
   (two teaspoons of dried camomile flowers with 250 ml of boiling water, leave ten minutes), two teaspoons per day for dogs and cats for one or three times a day. Chamomile has antispazmoliticheskim effect and will eliminate the pain in the stomach.

If a day after the appearance of symptoms of indigestion or poisoning, the symptoms do not go away, contact your veterinarian.

 Treatment pet natural remedies: attention and care

Preventing fleas

Fleas are localized in the animals in the abdomen in dogs around the neck and on the back, on the head, in the ears, in the neck and in the area of ​​the anus in cats. To avoid fleas can be added to the diet of animals brewer's yeast Brewer's yeast: Myths and Reality  Brewer's yeast: Myths and Reality
 Which are rich in vitamin Vitamins for everyone  Vitamins for everyone
   B. For cats is half a teaspoon for dogs - the same for four and a half kilogram of body weight.

If fleas are already there, we should get rid of them. If you wash your pet, then use your regular shampoo, to which must be added an infusion of eucalyptus (four tablespoons of dried leaves to fill in 1, 25 liters of hot water, leave for five minutes). This natural effective against fleas.

Do not forget to perform the daily brushing, using a comb with fine toothed, after dipping it in soapy water.

Prepare a natural spray that you can spray the hair at least once a day. Mix 250 ml of distilled witch hazel infusion with half a teaspoon of essential oil of peppermint, eucalyptus and a teaspoon of lavender essential oil. Mix well and place in a container with a spray. Spray hair carefully saved the eyes from the solution.

Do not forget that you need to treat the place where your sleeping cat or dog (cushion, basket, mat) that must be cleaned regularly, wash in hot water with a mild detergent. Keep the furniture, curtains, carpets in the house, change the vacuum cleaner bag.

 Treatment pet natural remedies: attention and care

Watch the weight of the animal

With age and a sedentary lifestyle, many pets are gaining weight, which can lead to serious health problems. With most dogs need a walk, allowing them to move, to run, with cats, if they are domestic, it is more likely to play, stimulating their physical activity. Gradually reduce the portion of food for your animals. Many foods rich in vitamins and minerals, can help to correct the saturation of the animal, avoiding weight gain. For dogs choose chicken meat without fat and skin, fish, turkey, egg yolks, and may be added to the diet of carrots, and broccoli.

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