the useful properties of sea salt
 Sea salt - a real gift to man from Mother Nature. Since ancient times, watching how, during the low tides in estuaries exposed to the sun evaporated sea salt, people learned to collect it. And today, thousands of years later, the technology of producing sea salt remains unchanged, with stored all of its beneficial properties.

 Useful properties of sea salt in medicine and cosmetology

Use the gift of the seas

Dried by the sun and wind natural sea salt - an invaluable gift of nature. Its formula is so complicated and contains a number of complex chemical compounds that artificially create a crystal sea salt is still impossible. This can only mean one thing - wise nature "Encrypt" formula of his gift to give the man's life, and health benefits. All in sea salt contains up to one hundred and minerals consisting of eighty chemical elements dominated by sodium chloride.

These micro and macro elements have different effects on the life of wildlife. Potassium and sodium cleanse and nourish the cell, calcium forms the cell membrane, is involved in wound healing, elimination of infection. Iodine regulates hormones, bromine calms the nervous system, magnesium reduces the stress mechanism is responsible for the young cells. Manganese is involved in the formation of the bony skeleton, strengthens the nervous system, promotes the formation of chlorine plasma gastric juice. Silicon strengthens the tissues and gives the elasticity of blood vessels, and selenium Selenium in food - in small doses is useful  Selenium in food - in small doses is useful
   prevents the formation of cancer cells.

 Useful properties of sea salt in medicine and cosmetology

The healing properties of sea salt

 sea ​​salt
 Sea salt helps to cope with diseases such as anemia, periodontal disease, hypertension, insomnia, edema, diarrhea, constipation, pain in the joints, muscles, sore throat, adenoids, flu, bruises, wounds, poisoning, alcohol withdrawal syndrome, gout Gout: The main symptoms and treatment  Gout: The main symptoms and treatment
 , Breast, low back pain, and even a couple of hundreds of diseases. Sea salt - not a panacea, but it helps to suppress a valuable part of many of the most serious illnesses. On the healing properties of salt known in antiquity: Hippocrates (460-377 BC.) I wrote about the healing possibilities of sea water.

Home sea bath helps to relax after a hard day, returns the elasticity of the skin. This procedure is indicated for nephritis, neurological disorders, liver diseases Liver disease: when the natural filter faltering  Liver disease: when the natural filter faltering
 , Kidneys, blood vessels, heart, arthritis. In the bath you need to take one or two kilograms of sea salt, and the water temperature should be no more than thirty-six degrees. Reception hours - two hours after dinner, one hour before bedtime. The duration of the procedure - ten or fifteen minutes, the course consists of ten baths a day.

Rubbing with sea salt with a stiff sponges help strengthen the nervous and immune systems, enhance blood circulation and protect against colds. To do this, mix two tablespoons of sea salt to half a liter of water, add a glass of vodka and twenty drops of iodine. This mixture is ground the whole body, without drying, muffle in a bathrobe or large towel.

Inhalation of sea salt helps to quickly overcome the first signs of a cold cure disease nose and throat. Carry out such treatments twice a day - morning and evening for ten to fifteen minutes. Per liter of water add two tablespoons of sea salt, boil for five minutes and then breathe over the steam, covered with a warm blanket. In diseases of the nose breath is done through the nose, exhale - through the mouth, in diseases of the throat and bronchi - on the contrary.

Baths with sea salt helps to strengthen nails, added to the masks, creams, lotions, salt makes the skin fresh, radiant, fatigue, smooths wrinkles. To make your diet healthy, table salt is necessary to replace the sea.

 Useful properties of sea salt in medicine and cosmetology

It is interesting

Dining Refined salt (first grinding and "Extra") also consists of sodium chloride, however, is almost one hundred percent. As a result of lightening, refining salts are removed from it all the important micronutrients, such a product becomes poisonous. That is why about table salt is said to be a white poison. If marine fish placed in an aqueous solution of table salt, it will die very quickly. In a solution of sea salt French biologist Alex Carrell kept a chicken heart alive twenty-seven years, while it throbbed.

Jeanne Pyatirikova

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