• How to survive the "black stripe" in life
  • Psychological Therapy

 black stripe in the life
 Every person in life there are difficult times experienced by the strength of his faith in himself and the will to live. To support those who are experiencing a "black band", we have made a small allowance, which we hope will help to overcome the circumstances and find comfort in times of trial.

 How to survive the "black stripe" in life

1. Optional know the cause of the problem to find a solution

Most people believe that it is important to know the roots of the problem before attempting to solve it, because this process is delayed them for a long time. This so-called "analysis paralysis," which plunges us deeper into the depths of depression and hopelessness. "If I only knew why it was happening to me, I could change" - we often repeat themselves. Unfortunately, it is not. Understanding does not always entail a change. Solving the problem - it is a new variable in the famous equation, but not the new equation. Rather than engage in soul-searching, think about how you can change the situation and survive the difficult times.

 How to survive the "black stripe" in life

2. Spend no more than 20% of the time on the negative, and the remaining 80% focus on the positive

If you spend 80% of time to think about your problems, and only 20% dedicate their solutions do you think would happen? Complaining and feeling sorry for yourself easy. It is easy to be always ready to defeat and failure. But this you can not help yourself overcome despair. This destructive attitude will only aggravate your situation. Learn to find something good or useful in any situation.

 How to survive the "black stripe" in life

3. No matter what happens, remember that at least one thing in life you failed

No matter how hard you think your life, no matter whether you are blamed for their misfortunes themselves or others, always remember that at least one thing you failed. At least something you are doing right, otherwise you would have not have been alive.

 How to survive the "black stripe" in life

4. Problems are far-fetched

You think you have chronic depression, unsettled personal life, there is a good understanding of work and family. You constantly feel the sadness, apathy, you are no good mood Good mood: Secrets positive  Good mood: Secrets positive
 ... Maybe you just do not notice when things are different? I do not want to notice that in your life there is something good (must be!). Physically, it is impossible to be depressed all the time, just as you can not always be sad (otherwise this condition will not be perceived as sadness, and be your usual).

 How to survive the "black stripe" in life

5. Your life is not confined to the problems

You do not have clinical depression Depression  Depression
 . You do not live on the street. You are not disfigured or maimed as a result of illness or accident. You are not the last loser. You are responsible for your life and everything that happens to you - it's true. But your life is not confined to the problems. You - man, there is much more complicated than all your problems together.

 How to survive the "black stripe" in life

6. If you have something does not work, do it anyway!

You think that you are stuck in a routine, you can not break the cycle of your life is lost, and lost all but the brightness of the point? Perhaps you are right, and all because you are doing the same thing again and again, repeating its own mistakes. If you really want to change their lives, set a goal to do anything differently. Even a slight deviation from the usual routine gives excellent results and inspires further changes. Remember that great journey begins with a small step.

 How to survive the "black stripe" in life

7. Live in the present

The past is not tantamount to the future. Your future depends on you, it is not determined by your mistakes and failures in the past. In your power to make it better or worse. You can think of that has passed, you can not change and alter, and miss the moment, moments from which the sum of the past. Leave the past in the past. Treat yourself to hope for the future. And for that ...

 How to survive the "black stripe" in life

8. Decide how you want your future

Think not about what you do not want, and about what kind of future do you see for yourself. As the future - it's a blank canvas, you can draw on it whatever. You can paint a bleak picture of dark colors ... but not that you really want? Most imagine your future - if you can see it, hear or feel, you can create it. Do this as often as you can.

 How to survive the "black stripe" in life

9. Answer the question "What am I grateful to life"

The most spiritual and sublime feeling known to man - is a sense of gratitude. It is necessary to thank a higher power, or the parents themselves at least for the fact that you are still alive. And while you are alive, you can change everything. Testing and express gratitude - not to be content with little, that is, only to acknowledge the existence of good in your life. Believe me, this realization will inspire you to further achievements.

Remember that like attracts like. Only you control your mood, and it should not depend solely on external success and prosperity. Even millionaires may suffer from depression, and the homeless - have fun.

Read more Psychological Therapy

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