• Sage - useful properties do not count
  • Using
  • Contraindications

 Sage has many useful properties that people have long been used for medicinal purposes. Because it makes infusions, teas brewed with it, it is used in cosmetics. Salvia has many advantages, but it also has its contraindications.


The healing properties of sage

Traditionally, Salvia is used in abdominal pain, acne, asthma, lack of appetite, bad breath, bleeding gums, bronchitis, bleeding disorders, colds, flu, diabetes, various diseases of the teeth, hemorrhoids, high blood pressure, problems with lactation disorders sleep, excessive sweating and the various skin lesions.

He is credited with anti-inflammatory, antifungal, antispasmodic, antimicrobial, anticancer, antiviral and healing properties.

Scientists have begun to actively explore the properties of sage relatively recently, but the evidence to date suggest the following conclusions:

  • Sage may be able to prevent exacerbation of herpes, and alleviate symptoms of exacerbations. To better understand how it affects the herpes virus, more research is needed in this area;
  • Relatively low risk of lung cancer in people who follow a Mediterranean diet may be due to the fact that in many of the dishes this diet as a condiment added sage, home to which, incidentally, are Italy and Greece;
  • Sage has long been used to improve memory and brain function in general. Studies have shown that it can really have a positive effect on memory and prevent the development of Alzheimer's disease. Below, we talk more about the use of sage for the prevention of the violation;
  • The sage contains chemicals, their properties resemble the female sex hormone estrogen. Theoretically, because of this sage may relieve the symptoms of premenstrual syndrome and menopause;
  • Essential oil of sage has the ability to improve mood and helps to better cope with stress;
  • Gargling with infusion of sage helps with pain in the throat;
  • According to preliminary According to one study, topical application of sage extract may protect against the harmful effects of ultraviolet radiation;
  • Sage extract can also normalize the acid-alkaline balance of the vagina, and thus relieves the symptoms of vaginitis Vaginitis - find out the cause of the disease  Vaginitis - find out the cause of the disease


Brewing sage

For an infusion of sage can be used both fresh and dried sage. Of course, fresh sage is not available to all but dried can be purchased at any pharmacy. Pour into a cup of one tablespoon of dried or finely chopped fresh sage, fill it with hot water (the temperature should not exceed 95-97 degrees Celsius), and allow to stand for 10-15 minutes. This sage tea is very good for colds, flu, chronic stress, and many other disorders.

Well sage tea helps with headaches Headache  Headache
 . You can brew sage with mint, ginger and / or rosemary - all these plants also facilitate headache.

In folk medicine sage is considered very useful for men. A decoction of sage is used to treat and prevent erectile dysfunction and other disorders that lead to the violation of potency. Sage has a positive effect on hormones, and probably due to this can help in case of problems with potency caused by hormonal disorders Hormonal disorders: causes and the most frequent disease  Hormonal disorders: causes and the most frequent disease
 . However, the effect of sage in such disorders is poorly understood, and patients suffering from erectile dysfunction, you should first of all undergo a medical examination, and only then, if desired, to contact national treatments.

Finally, both men and women can use sage for weight loss. At this plant contain substances that stimulate the metabolism and improve mood - and depression and stress, as you know, are often the causes of overeating. Those who want to get rid of the extra kilos, it is recommended to drink 2-3 cups of broth sage, mint and hips every day for 3-4 weeks. Of course, sage helps only those who adhere to a low calorie diet and engaged in sports - in itself it is not conducive to burning excess fat.


Sage Women

Sage contains substances that help with painful menstruation, and can ease the symptoms of menopause such as hot flashes, excessive sweating at night, sleep disturbances, mood swings, anxiety, irregular pulse, fatigue. In traditional Chinese medicine, medicinal properties of sage used to relieve pain after childbirth, and menstrual normalization.

How to use salvia at common problems with women's health? You can just prepare sage tea: pour 3 grams of fresh and dried sage 150 ml boiling water, let stand for ten minutes and strain. Drink this decoction once or twice a day for a few days before the start of menstruation and during the menopause - for a few weeks until your health improves. It is also possible to drink every day one glass of water mixed with 5 ml of the extract of sage. Besides, during menopause useful sage essential oil for aromatherapy.


Sage in Alzheimer's disease

Alzheimer's disease - a fairly common disorder that affects mainly older people and leads to serious problems with the operation of the brain and, consequently, reduced quality of life.

Rosemary acid in sage, has a positive effect on the processes of signal transmission in the brain. By the way, the scientists in the 16th century wrote that sage improves memory, but in the 21st century, it could be confirmed by modern scientific methods. In one study, 44 patients with age-related memory impairment were given tablets with sage or a placebo. Results of tests for evaluation of memory in patients who took sage, were significantly better than those who took placebo. It is assumed that such action sage associated with anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties of rosemary acid.

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