bathing baby
 All parents know that babies need to bathe, but many people underestimate the importance of water treatments. Bathing baby - is not just a hygienic procedure, and the whole event contributing to the development of the baby and his speedy adaptation. How to properly bathe crumbs?


The importance of bathing

The skin of babies is much thinner and more sensitive than adults. It dries quickly and very easily irritated. Therefore, the daily bathing the child absolutely necessary.

But bathing - it is not only cleansing the child, but also the tempering procedure. In addition, swimming strengthens the nervous system of the child, enables the child to develop better, calms the child and gives him great pleasure - unless, of course, the right to organize the process.


The first swimming

Young children decided to bathe in a separate small bath. Many parents, however, abandon the tradition and teaching baby to swim in the adult bath or even take a bath with the baby. The latter method of bathing is the most complaints from doctors. Shared swimming is not always hygienic and can be dangerous for a child, for example, if the mother slip and lose balance.

Bath for the child should be kept clean. But do not use it for cleaning aggressive household chemicals, much more appropriate regular baking soda.

For bathing infants who have not yet completely healed umbilical wound, it is recommended to use boiled water. Sometimes the water is added to a solution of potassium permanganate. Older children can swim in the ordinary tap water.

The first bathing takes place at the age of ten - fourteen days. It should not last long: just hold the baby in warm water a few minutes. The very first time do not even have to use a gel or foam for washing. Gradually increase the duration of bathing.


Proper preparation

The best choice for swimming will, of course, a bathroom, if there is not too cold, that is, the temperature does not differ significantly from the temperature in the other rooms. If the bathroom floor is slippery, you need to put on a rubber mat: loss of balance adult who is holding a baby, can lead to tragedy.

The water should be warm. The most comfortable temperature for the first bathing - thirty-seven degrees. Boil it, if infants for more than four weeks, it is not necessary. But water softener can be added to the bath broth succession. This herb is very useful for children's skin, it is not surprising that the series includes almost all cosmetic products for babies. If the baby does not sleep and is characterized by irritability, it can be added to the water (of course, after consultation with the doctor) and broths other herbs such as motherwort and chamomile Chamomile: the rays of beauty  Chamomile: the rays of beauty

Over time, the water temperature in the bath reduced. Start at thirty-seven degrees, and the next bathing water can already be thirty-six degrees. Gradually, you can reduce the temperature of thirty degrees - the kid will be tempered and have fun on the water treatment. Before you start swimming a little water should be poured into a pitcher, then to rinse the baby before the end of water treatment. While pipsqueak splashing in the tub, the water has cooled down a bit, so, too, would like rinsing tempering procedures.

Before bathing a good idea to make the baby a gentle massage for babies Massage for infants - a useful warm-up  Massage for infants - a useful warm-up
   and work out with him in gymnastics. This will warm up the muscles of the child and make swimming very pleasant. While one parent prepares the child, the second can start preparing the bath: it will wash, warm water, prepare foam to wash, towel, diaper.



The cooler water in the bathroom, the more active baby. The more active he is, the better to develop his muscles, and the more the child is tired. And the more he gets tired in the bathroom, the better after a bath there and the stronger will sleep.

Duration bathing month old child is about fifteen minutes to two months a baby can be carried out in the water for half an hour.

Too many swimming is not recommended: it is possible to dry up the delicate baby skin. For this reason, it is not necessary to use every day, foams and other means for bathing babies. Wash the baby with such means quite a few times a week, not more.

While bathing should try to get all the baby's body was under water. Head, it should be carefully maintained, that no water accidentally hit in the mouth or nose. However, if this did happen, there is no need to panic: children up to two to three months developed excellent diving reflex, and the likelihood of water ingress into the airways is extremely low. If, however, before the age of the child never have to dive (accidentally or her parents), the reflex gradually fade away.

You can not keep the baby, and for him to buy a special ring, which is worn on the baby's neck and gives him drown. Pediatricians recommend using these circles after two months, and the children to such appliances include different: someone enthusiastically swims, and someone protests and demands that his parents supported.

After six months, when the child already knows how to sit, order changes swimming. There comes a time for swimming toys: the child sits on the bottom of the baby bath tub or crawling on adult and plays. At this age, children are very mobile, and swimming are increasingly should be combined with washing. To wash it is recommended to use soft means intended specifically for infants.


After water procedures

After bathing the baby should be thoroughly wet fluffy towel and then treat the skin (especially the folds of the body) special baby oil. If such an oil is not present, it is possible to use any clean oil, for example olive oil or sunflower oil. The ears should be inserted cotton swabs to absorb excess water, easy to wear on the head cap.

As a rule, after water procedures kids really want to eat and sleep, so it is advisable to organize a breast immediately after bathing. And then it's time to put your child: if he is tired in the water, you probably will sleep peacefully through the night.

Maria Bykov

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