inguinal hernia newborn
 As you know, with inguinal hernia in children Inguinal hernia in children - causes and treatment  Inguinal hernia in children - causes and treatment
 , Including the newborn, often facing pediatric surgeons. This is due to the fact that the disease is one of the most common surgical pathologies. Inguinal hernias in infants tend to be congenital and occur more often in boys. This surgical pathology occurs in about 5% of all births, but more often (two to three times) it occurs in preterm infants. Despite the fact that information about inguinal hernia is easy to get as a doctor, and the Internet, many parents still refer to different fortunetellers, healers, midwives and others who "promise" to deliver a newborn on the inguinal hernia without surgery.

Inguinal hernia in infants is a protrusion in the groin, and is related to the cleft vaginal process of the peritoneum. Hernia consists of hernial ring, the hernia sac and the hernia contents. Hernial contents are usually the abdominal organs (testicle loop of intestine, omentum section, while girls tend to be the ovary). As noted above, inguinal hernias Hernia: Types and symptoms - which are the most dangerous?  Hernia: Types and symptoms - which are the most dangerous?
   most often seen in premature infants.

 Inguinal hernia in infants: a doctor or a midwife

Risk factors for inguinal hernias in infants

Risk factors for the appearance of the surgical pathology in infants include:

  • prematurity;
  • male;
  • intrauterine growth retardation;
  • genetic pathologies associated with impaired development of connective tissue;
  • congenital malformations of the fetus (congenital dislocation, spinal hernia).

 Inguinal hernia in infants: a doctor or a midwife

How to diagnose inguinal hernia

Usually an inguinal hernia Inguinal hernia - why is it dangerous?  Inguinal hernia - why is it dangerous?
   the newborn is more often right-handed, but can be bilateral hernia .  Parents need to know what an inguinal hernia is a serious disease, compared, for example, umbilical hernia .  To diagnose an inguinal hernia in a newborn is quite simple, but sometimes you can not even notice its presence .  The groin is determined abnormal protrusion that appears with increasing intra-abdominal pressure in the child (that is, when crying, screaming baby) .  In repose possible disappearance of herniation .  On palpation of inguinal hernia is painless, does not cause discomfort to the newborn and has a consistency myagkoelastichnuyu .  Shape rounded inguinal hernia, but the boys in the presence of inguinal-scrotal hernia she looks like an oval formation .  Girls hernia possible omission to the labia majora, which changes their shape .  When pressed on the inguinal hernia it easy and painless "disappear", that is, with a little reduce a rumbling .  In boys, it is necessary to differentiate the inguinal-scrotal hernia with hydrocele .

 Inguinal hernia in infants: a doctor or a midwife

Infringement of inguinal hernia in newborn infants

Infringement of inguinal hernia in infants, as well, and in adults, it is a serious complication of the surgical pathology. Strangulated inguinal hernia does not reduce a, protrusion in the groin rezkoboleznennoe child is restless and constantly cries. Because of the infringement in the organs located in the hernial sac, there is poor circulation due to compression of them, which leads to ischemia, and later necrosis. That is what is dangerous infringement of inguinal hernia, so the newborn must be hospitalized as soon as possible, so that it was carried out emergency surgery. If the hernial sac is the testicle or ovary, pinching them can lead to further development of infertility.

 Inguinal hernia in infants: a doctor or a midwife


Treatment of inguinal hernia is surgery. Parents should be aware that no conservative methods do not relieve the child from an inguinal hernia. Therefore, surgery should not be delayed, and try to spend it as soon as possible. Perhaps postpone surgery in children with the presence of serious associated diseases in premature infants. The operation (hernia repair) consists in opening the hernia sac, reposition of "in place" and herniorrhaphy. Operation in the newborn is held under a mask anesthesia.

Anna Sozinova

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