Good relationships at work are vital to success. Good communication skills - an important element in the development of good relations. Poor communication destroys relationships, while good - builds. This is also true if you will - the head, and if you are an employee of the company. Psychology of business communication is important for success. But her skills do not come by themselves. And the boss and the subordinate must learn to speak and listen.
Business Discussion
Do not ridicule, punishment or notations in business discussions. Encourage people to listen, to understand, to find an alternative, to take the initiative and support each other. Listen not only to what the other person says, but for what he feels. It is always important to respect all members of the team.
The attack, retaliation, out of the dialogue
Under pressure, we get frustrated and we can verbally attack those who work with us. Another person feels offended by our comments and strikes back. This continues until, when someone does not stop the dialogue. Rather than strike back, the other person may hold back their feelings, and the situation will not worsen. However, the emotions that people can find a way out later.
Evaluate and share feelings
Assess and share emotions - are two different things. Value judgments - is "I'm right, you're wrong." The expression of emotions - is "I am angry, I am afraid, I am concerned." Estimates are often the result of what we feel. They are often perceived as criticism, in contrast to the senses. If you tell a person that he is wrong, he is likely to feel that he is criticized and attacked. When we feel that we are criticized, it is hard to hear anything else that was said.
But if you say, "I'm angry," people will not feel that he was attacked because the expression of emotions - a true statement. If you say, "You're wrong," people are likely to disagree. But if you say, "I am angry", this one does not argue.
Although it seems that the expression of feelings makes us vulnerable, in fact it makes us more secure. If we assess and attack the other person, we provoke him to retaliate. But if we share what we feel, we open ourselves to the other person. So man will be easier to respond favorably. Both will feel safer.
Thoughts and feelings
Communication ideas bring together our minds. But the communicative emotions bring together our identities. It is assumed that we need to share ideas, but the feelings keep to yourself. However, emotions have great power, and they can not be ignored. Feelings are more important than thought, how they affect our behavior and decisions.
Conditions of effective communication
In order to improve the communication skills you need to practice these things until they are in the habit:
- Pay attention. When someone starts to talk to you, distracting from their acts and thoughts. Look at this man and pay attention to what and how he says.
- Hear and not just listen. One of the conditions of good communication - a willingness to listen to the meaning of what the other person says, in not just words. Watch facial expressions and body language.
- Do not let the mind wander. When a person says, I do not think about what you say. Look, until the person is finished, and then decide what to say.
- Follow up. When the man finished speaking, rephrase what he told you. If you heard it right answer to his question or a statement.
- Know the needs of others. All people have different needs that must be taken into account and respected. All we need trust, respect, praise, security, sense of belonging, recognition.
- Ask, instead of ordering. Demonstrate equality, asking for advice or ask the person to do something. It shows respect for the person.
- Be open. Do not criticize, do not judge, do not lecture. It is important to learn to objectively evaluate ideas, people and situations. Do not add to this their values, beliefs or needs.
- Offer and not impose advice. Learn not to put pressure on others. It is wrong to say: "That's how you have to work it out," or "Here's what you need to do." Better to say, "What do you think about that ..." or "I propose ...". Sometimes you need to give advice only if asked.
- Develop trust - is the result of open and honest communication. It is therefore important that there be good communication channels. Trust also an important part of teamwork. If there is trust among employees is much easier to achieve teamwork and cooperation.
- Develop a sense of justice. People feel justice. If all parties are informed, there is trust, and work is based on cooperation. Business venture to be successful, all parties should feel their equality. If one party feels to stay away, or is in a dependent position, success is less likely.
- Create a comfortable atmosphere. Tension and stress are normal in any relationship. However, the level of stress and stress at work can be reduced by developing teamwork and trust through open and honest communication.
- Be genuinely interested in others. We all have a need to feel important and be understood. One way to feel important - this is when we are interested in the other. So talk to the interests of another person and try to understand his point of view. If we expect understanding from others, we must first understand them.
- Motivate others. There are several ways to motivate people. Both positive and negative motivation effective. But, ultimately, a negative mood, such as criticism or punishment, often creates a desire for revenge. Too often we think that the positive motivation - is to increase salaries, but other positive reasons, which do not require much effort - it is praise, trust, interest and recognition.
- Keep your sense of humor. Laugh at silly things that happen. Laugh at the little things that annoy. Smile at every opportunity. Seeing the humor in a situation, you can often defuse the situation.
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