Women complexes
 Studies have shown that the most common female complexes somehow related to the appearance of women. As for the second type of complex relationships between women, that is, she was worried about what he thinks about her man. The next type of female complexes, which are not nearly as common as the first two, comes to money and career. As for the intelligence of the woman or her creative life, according to studies, such systems are rare in women.


Complexes on appearance

According to research, most women care about the following:

  • Sexuality. It is the most common female complex. Women are more likely want to be sexually attractive and always compare their own sex appeal with this quality in other women.
  • Age. Women also complex about his age. They want to look young, jealous of other women and are constantly looking for the right products and tools to fight the aging process Internal and external aging: it is necessary to think in advance  Internal and external aging: it is necessary to think in advance
 . For this reason, as developed beauty industry, which now offers women a lot of ways to rejuvenate and promises magical results.
  • Weight. The following complexes of the most common in women with regard to their weight. Women always want to be slimmer, or no matter how good they look, they always feel that they are overweight. They are constantly looking for new miracle diets that promise to help them in a short time to lose a large amount of extra kilos.
  • Hair color. Women are also part of the complex because of the color of hair; it seems that all they want to be blonde. It is believed that blondes more cheerful and more like men. Besides, blondes are often associated with close and be silly - so be attractive. It is believed that men instinctively prefer blondes. In the animal kingdom, males choose females with a lighter color, because it is a sign of health.
  • Eye color. Women also experience complex because of the color of eyes. Blue eyes, which are always associated with blond hair Hair: structure, characteristics of growth and development  Hair: structure, characteristics of growth and development
 They seem to want to have women around the world. Gray, green, hazel - The following list of the desired eye color. Brown eyes were on the last place.
  • Growth. Ideal growth - is also a problem for women. Most women want to be taller, and complain that they are not high enough. However, there is a limit of the desired growth - okolo178 see. Higher growth in women questioned the superiority of men.
  • Breast size. Finally, many women want to have larger breasts. They are complex, if men allow themselves to joke about the lack of a large bust. It is believed that all men are attracted to large breasts, and all women want to be attractive to men.

According to the research, women are worried that do not look like celebrities and models, and most want to be attractive to men.


Complexes on relations

Also complexes connected with external data, the following are the most common female complexes relate to relationships with men:

  • He did not call back. When a woman starts a new relationship, she always waiting for the man to call her, and to calm her anxiety, the man should assure her that.
  • He just wants to sleep with me. A woman in a new relationship and constantly worried about what a man is interested in it only for the sake of sex, because she is not sure that it has something interesting, apart from her body. It is again necessary to assure that it is - a fine man, a good housewife and so on.
  • He has another woman. Women are constantly suspect that the man they change, because, despite all the assurances of men, they still do not believe in yourself and believe that all men want to sleep with everyone.
  • I have it no longer attractive. Despite the fact that a woman is always necessary to assure that men are attracted not only her body, the man also has to assure her that he was attracted by her body. Women require physical attention and words to be confident in their physical attractiveness.


Rarer complexes

Complexes listed above, the most frequently mentioned by women during research and surveys. Besides these, there are a couple of complexes of non-appearance or relationships, and are rarely mentioned:

  • Money. There are few women who have complex about how much they earn. They believe that the more money they earn, the higher their personal value.
  • Careers. Some women are also concerned about the issues of his career, the fact that they have no job, or that they would like to have better or more respected job. Or they have already made a good career, but dissatisfied with their position in the company, are not sure that they can rise through the ranks or compete with men and so on.

We must admit that not only women but also men have complexes about money and career (and also about their appearance and relationships with women). However, it should be understood that the status, associated with how much you earn and how much successful in their careers - is an illusion, as well as the image of the leggy blonde with turquoise eyes, above.


Additional facilities

Studies rarely mention these two things about which some women undoubtedly suffer complexes:

  • The creative life. There are women who experience uncertainty in the results of his work as a painter, photographer, filmmaker, writer or architect.
  • Intellectual life. Of course, women also have complexes about their level of understanding of the various intelligent questions, such as mathematics, physics, philosophy, economics, politics and social life.

Undoubtedly, women worried about how others perceive the fruits of their work, or their mental abilities or personality traits. However, studies and surveys relating to women complexes show that most women worry that they are not attractive enough physically and please the opposite sex.

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