Turkish series Asi
 Turkish TV series "Asi" filmed in the best tradition of female love story: the heroine is charming and young, the hero is rich, but hard to like, but, in the end, everything starts to just shout that they are made for each other, they meet, but parted to meet again. Beautiful scenic landscapes of the Turkish fields and forests attached to the drama.

 "Asi": theme of sacrifice

Family tradition

The main heroine of the eponymous TV series Asi (Tuba Buyukustun), as expected, the poor and pure soul. She lives with her father, to destroy the farmer, desperate to keep the land he inherited from his ancestors. Asi helps his father run a household and take care of the animals on the farm.

Girls Life changes when their homes in the capital is returned Demir (Murat Yyldirim), a wealthy and conceited, but very attractive young man. Between Asi and Demir erupting feelings, but the past of their families that holds many mysteries, does not allow them to be together.

 "Asi": theme of sacrifice

The success was not expected

 Turkish series Asi
 The series "Asi" began filming in 2007. The main roles in the new project already approved by the time the popular Tuba Buyukustun and famous pair of undistinguished roles Murat Yyldirima. Uncomplicated story of a young couple confronting the circumstances of overcoming prejudice and forgiveness suddenly relished viewers and liked so much that it dragged on for seventy-one series, but no one expected that the project will receive such positive feedback and support. Critics, however, were merciless against "Asi", calling novelty worse than mediocre.

The script for "Asi" wrote Sebnem chitakov. His romance collects all possible "stamps" of the genre. In addition to flat characters created as a collective image of the stereotypes of the "rural girls" and "City Slickers," all the plot turns in the series can be predicted for a dozen series forward.

The popularity of "Asi" is largely due to the cast: creators clearly have not lost when invited Tuba Buyukustun that, despite the average actor's game, meets all the canons of the genre of melodrama. In addition she starred in the TV series, another Turkish beauty and model Selma Ergeç. However, all the actors in the roles chosen by the attractiveness and charm, not talent: to play flat characters do not need special skills. In the series, in notable roles also stars: Jemal Hyun, Cetin Tekindor, Nur Syurer, Tulay Gunay, Istanbul Tulay

 "Asi": theme of sacrifice

Sacrifice and femininity

 Turkish series Asi
 In "Asi" Sebnem chitakov and screenwriter, and director Cevdet Mercan exploit fully the idea of ​​sacrifice. Heroes overstep himself through their principles and the desire to achieve any goal. This self-denial and makes such popular series average because touches makes empathize.

Acceptance circulated in the film when the hero for the good of his family is valued more than his own good. Such characters with doom in his eyes go to the sacrificial altar, and they applaud such a high morality touched audiences. Sacrifice, coupled with femininity, a woman assumes a heavy burden and carries it alone, especially a woman's mother, adds extra drama. The creators of "Asi" is used sacrifice as a provocation to trigger emotions in the viewer in the plot as this technique is involved only in order to create a character of complexity, because the script is not enough intrigue, meaning dialogues and actors talent.

"Asi" filmed at the level of the average Russian melodrama. In the series, no memorable costumes, nor the unique old traditions or some national specifics. An interesting legend about the river, after which gets its name the main character, and receives no development. Turkish flavor to the show - it is beautiful scenery, however, shooting mainly took place in the hall, so the viewer sees them not as much as could be shown. As for the rest, "Asi" - a series of seventy-one (and each series lasts fifty minutes) on how the main characters can not be together because circumstances separate them again and again. The naivete of the storyline goes beyond all boundaries of reason.

Anna Chizh

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